Healthy Chicks in the Community Series: Meet Olivia Friel of Healthy Balanced Birth

It’s May, and that means it’s time for this month’s feature on Healthy Chicks in the Community, a series highlighting rockstar Girl Bosses doing their thang in the wellness community.

With Mother’s Day coming in hot, I couldn’t be more thrilled to feature this beautiful mama to be, Olivia Friel of Healthy Balanced Birth. Olivia’s one of those gal’s who exudes authenticity and kindness (and she’s totally rocking that pregnancy glow).

In this inspiring interview, we chat about her role as a birth and postpartum doula, her love for capturing moments on camera and how she’s preparing to welcome her sweet baby girl this summer!

NAME: Olivia Friel

DESCRIBE YOUR BUSINESS: The name of my business is Healthy Balanced Birth, LLC. I am a Birth and postpartum doula, as well as a certified holistic health and nutrition coach.

Initially, I launched a business based on health and nutrition coaching but then transitioned my business to focus on birth work after seeing a need for more education surrounding pregnancy, labor, birth and the postpartum period. My goal is to empower birthing people and their support systems to make educated and empowered decisions during their pregnancy, birth and journey into parenthood.

WHERE YOU LIVE: I currently reside about 20 minutes outside of Boston, in Dedham with my husband, two dogs and little babe on the way!

HOW YOU SERVE THE COMMUNITY THROUGH YOUR WORK: I founded Healthy Balanced Birth after hearing hundreds of stories about pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period. Why did I decide to become a birth worker? Because there is a need for education surrounding every aspect.

The statistics surrounding the maternal mortality rate in the United States are staggering, which is mind blowing to me considering we are a developed country. There needs to be more accessible resources and education so people can become informed, supported and know ALL of their options. As a doula, I work to educate, support and empower birthing people, their partners, support system or family throughout every step of their journey.

NUMBER ONE PASSION OUTSIDE THE JOB: Oooh this is a tricky question. I’d have to say exploring the outdoors with my camera. I LOVE taking pictures and am planning on it becoming a part of my business at some point soon!


1.) to be able to work from home while raising our babe(s)
2.) to meet other passionate birth workers, travel and educate people on the importance of birth work, specifically raising awareness to the issues with the health care system in regards to the maternal mortality rates in the United States
3.) to add photography to my business

ONE PIECE OF ADVICE YOU’D GIVE YOUR CHILDHOOD SELF: It’s okay if you don’t know what you want to be when you grow up. It takes time to figure out what you REALLY want to do. Go after what you’re truly passionate about. Don’t listen to the opinions of others who want you to follow the more “traditional” route. Try a variety of jobs and explore your passions…once you’re in the “right” career, you’ll know.

FOODS THAT MAKE YOU FEEL ALIVE & BRING YOU THE MOST JOY: This is another tricky question (mostly because my eating habits are a bit different as I’m currently pregnant). I really love cooking, yet have had a lot of food aversions to things I normally enjoy. Right now I’d have to say the foods that are bringing me joy are: dark chocolate, avocado, any sort of berry, mangos and milkshakes from Cabot’s in Newton.

SONG THAT MOVES YOU: If you mean a song that moves me physically, I would say Hold my Hand by Jess Glynne. (It’s such a jam, if you haven’t heard it – go listen now!) If you mean a song that moves me emotionally, I would say Rise Up by Andra Day (another song to go listen to immediately)!

THREE FAB THINGS ABOUT YOU: This is a tough one for me. Something I’m still working on is self-love. I have no problem telling other people all the things I love about them, but it’s more difficult for me to talk about myself in that way.

One thing I do love about myself, (even if I don’t talk about it often) is my ability to speak up for myself or others. I have a very hard time dealing with people who disrespect or demean myself or others. I will make it known and either remove myself or that person from the situation.

The second fab thing about me is my work ethic. I started working when I was 13 years old and have always had a job since then. I always show up and work hard. The third fab thing about me is my heart. I have a HUGE heart. I care deeply about others and do my best to always show them just how much. That’s something I’m really proud of.

FAVORITE BODY PART AND WHY: Gah! Another tricky one 🙂 Currently, I would have to say that my growing belly is my favorite part of my body. I just entered my third trimester and my bump is now officially here and growing weekly. I didn’t have a real baby bump until about 22 weeks! I love my growing belly because it’s the home for our little babe and it truly amazes me that my body is capable of growing another human!

Otherwise, I would probably say my legs. Growing up, i didn’t like my legs because they were bigger than other girl’s legs. What I didn’t realize then was how strong they are. Now I love my calves and quads!

I GET MY INSPIRATION FROM: My inspiration comes from my desire to help people and create the life that I’ve always dreamed of for myself and my family. It’s magical to see the people you help understand or do something for the first time and they are over the moon excited about it.

I also have to say that lately a lot of my inspiration has been coming from my husband. This year has been a huge transition in terms of both of our careers. I’ve watched him go after something he really loves with such passion that it’s inspired me to push myself even harder. I’m really proud of what we’re both working towards.

EXERCISE THAT MAKES YOU SHINE: Yoga and exploring outside  — walking and hiking! I would literally spend every day outside (once it’s warm) if the weather permitted me to do so!

SOMETHING IN YOUR “WELLNESS TOOLBOX” YOU CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: I would have to say two things: being in tune with and listening to my body and my essential oils.

GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: This is hard because I don’t really feel like there is only one great accomplishment in life. I feel that there are accomplishments in every year and every season of life that deserve to be celebrated.

For this year, I’d have to say my greatest accomplishment is finding the work that I love the most and establishing Healthy Balanced Birth as an LLC. However, I know that greatest accomplishment will change come this summer when we welcome our little babe into the world!

FEMALE LEADERS YOU LOOK UP TO: The leaders who are currently inspiring me the most are the people in the birth community who are working to change things in the birth world. There are far too many to name, but a couple examples would be Ina May Gaskin, Latham Thomas and January Harshe.

IF YOU COULD PICK ONE PERSON TO HAVE DINNER WITH, WHO WOULD IT BE & WHAT WOULD YOU MAKE THEM: I’d have to say my grandpa who passed away a few years ago. We called him “Beep.” He was such a spitfire. I’d love to have more time to sit and talk with him. To hear more of his advice and stories now that I’m older. He always loved Italian food so I’d probably make him homemade garlic bread, spaghetti and meatballs.

GO-TO MANTRA OR INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE: Currently, it’s: “Find what lights you up. Find what brings you joy. Do more of that.” And “Spend time with people who feel like sunshine.”

MESSAGE YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE WITH OTHER HEALTHY CHICKS: Practice self love and taking care of yourself and your body. Create and set new boundaries if you need to. Move your body every day. Take some time for just you. You can’t fully show up for others if you don’t take care of yourself first.

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