Repeat-After-Me Bedtime Affirmations for Kids

We take turns putting the kids to bed, and even on the nights my husband puts our daughter to bed she 99% of the time calls me back up for one more snuggle.
I cuddle up with her, and we usually do some simple repeat-after-me bedtime affirmations to help calm her body and busy mind. After we finished them last night, my little one told me she came up with some of her own.
“Do you want to hear?” she enthusiastically asked. And then she proudly exclaimed:
“I am love-full.”
“I am sweet”
“I am beautiful.”
“I am Isabella.”
“Were those good affirmations, mommy?” she asked. Yes, yes they were sweetie.
Hearing this made my mama heart so full. And if you have little ones, you can practice simple bedtime affirmations too!
In fact, my new Mindfulness Deck for Kids, coming out this spring, includes several affirmation exercises I use with my own kiddos and in my kids yoga classes — including a go-to bedtime affirmation.
Get on the wait list for my Kids Mindfulness Deck here!
P.S. Here are some other ways to bring more mindfulness into your kids bedtime routine!