Want Your Kids to Calm Down for Bedtime? Try this Quick Mom Hack

Let me paint the picture for you. It’s time for bed, you’re at your wits end and your kid(s) are off the walls.
It’s been a long day, and you’re trying hard not to completely lose your sh*t. So you attempt everything in the books, and none of the go-to tricks are working (not even deep breaths and lullabies). “Calm down, it’s time for bed!” “Stop that!” you shout.
But it’s only getting worse, and then the giggles kick in…and your sweet child is turning into a total monster. You’re starting to lose your mind. What’s a parent to do?
Hi, hello this was me the other night. And sometimes, even as a kids yoga & mindfulness teacher, I forget to lean on these tools.
💎 But here’s a lil trick I use in my kids yoga classes too that works like a charm every time: MATCH THEIR ENERGY. 💎
Yup, get kooky with them!
Some ideas to help your child calm down by matching their energy:
- If they’re roaring like a lion, go ahead and make silly animal sounds with them.
- If they can’t sit still and won’t get in bed, have a mini dance party and shake it out!
- If they’re refusing to put on their PJs, let them run around in their undies like a wild child!
- If they have a major case of the sillies, giggle, wiggle and jiggle them out!
Match their energy and then wind it down to where you want it to go. Think: calm bodies, deep breaths, putting pajamas on peacefully without a fight.
It sounds counterintuitive, but kids don’t respond well to being TOLD what to do and they thrive off contrast and being SHOWN. So take them where you want them to go…fast then slow.
Looking for more mindful tools? Try these Repeat-After-Me Bedtime Affirmations or check out the “Mindful & Magical Me” Kids Inspiration Deck for 35 mindful activities to do with your family.