How to Make Your Own Rainbow Breathing Sticks for Mindful Kids

rainbow breathing stick craft for kids

I’m always trying new ways to incorporate mindfulness with children — be it with my own kiddos or in my kids yoga classes. One of the biggest takeaways is that kids respond well to visual cues, meaning they tend to learn best being SHOWN vs. being TOLD what to do.

These rainbow breathing sticks (or “wands”) are a wonderful mindfulness tool for kids and they’re super easy to make — requiring just two simple items you likely have around your house.

Make Your Own Rainbow Breathing Stick

I’m not a fan of complex crafts. Lucky for you, rainbow breathing sticks are not only a powerful mindfulness tool for kids, but they’re mess-free and super easy to assemble!

What You Need to Make Rainbow Breathing Sticks

rainbow breathing sticks pipe cleaners and beads

You can grab your supplies at a local craft store, on Amazon or you may even have them already lying around your house.

Here’s what you need to make rainbow breathing sticks:

How to Assemble & Use Your Breathing Stick

How to Make a Rainbow Breathing Wand
  1. Choose a colored pipe cleaner and make a circle around one end by twisting the top of the stick
  2. Pick 7 colored beads, either rainbow colors or create your own pattern and add them to your pipe cleaner.
  3. Close your breathing stick by twisting the other end, creating a circle or heart shape!
  4. Ta da! As you move each bead to the other side, take a deep breath in and out.

Stash your breathing stick by your nightstand, in your backpack or in the car for mindful breathing on the go!

Want more mindfulness ideas? Check out my “Mindful & Magical Me” Kids Inspiration Deck!

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