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“If you want to be a Queen, you have got to learn how to bow to other Queens.” -Guru Jagat
I absolutely love this quote by Guru Jagat, and I’ve been reflecting on it all week. It’s basically saying if you want to be recognized and celebrated, you gotta learn how to celebrate others too.
Here’s the thing: Jealousy, resentment, and attacking other women does no one any good, and quite frankly it’s super unhealthy.
If you want what someone else has, bow to her. Celebrate her. Throw her a big freakin’ cheer party. Know that her success doesn’t make you anything less, and those beautiful things are for you too.
On the other hand, I see a lot of women out there (myself included), shying away from sharing happy news or questioning weather or not they should talk about their successes in fear or hurting someone else’s feelings.
No, no, no!
Ladies, there is no need to dim your light to make others feel better. That’s doing a disservice to you and all your other sisters.
Instead shine your light so bright that it encourages others to shine bright too. And next time you see one of your soul … Read More!
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Good afternoon beauties, and Happy Friday! If you haven’t already, be sure to check out my go-to New Month Ritual to help you set your intentions for the month ahead with heart and ease.
Alrighty, onward to this week’s feature on Healthy Chicks in the Community, a weekly series highlighting rockstar Girl Bosses doing their thang in the wellness community and beyond.
I’m excited to introduce you to fellow SheBreathes member Lisa Paige, who works with teens to lessen their stress while they prepare for the SAT and/or ACT and apply to college. I love that she integrates meditation and journaling for wellness, and teaches communication skills to help parents and teens stay close through that last precious year that the teens are living at home. How cool is that?
Without further adieu, I’ll let Lisa take it over from here!

NAME: Lisa Paige, PhD
DESCRIBE YOUR BUSINESS/LINE OF WORK: Holistic tutoring, test prep, college admissions
HOW YOU SERVE THE COMMUNITY THROUGH YOUR WORK: My practice is geared toward facilitating a healthy journey through the college test prep and admissions process.
NUMBER ONE PASSION OUTSIDE THE JOB: Spending time with my adult children and my … Read More!
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Happy March! I freakin’ love new months as they’re the perfect time to reassess where you’re at and where you want to be going. This month is extra special since it also falls on a Full Moon!
The first Full Moon of March is known as the Worm Moon, as it’s the time of year that earthworms reappear as spring is indeed on it’s way. This moon symbolizes renewal, rebirth and new beginnings. The ice is finally melting, tiny flowers are starting to pop out of the ground and good things are on their way!
In honor of the new month and this beautiful Full Moon, I wanted to share with you my new month ritual.
Here are the simple steps I take at the beginning of each month that you can easily implement too!
1. Put the phone away + play light, inspiring music. My Journaling playlist on Spotify usually does the trick!
2. Reflect on last month’s abundance. How much money did you bring in? What connections did you make? What are you proud of? What did you celebrate?
3. Let Go of the “Ick.” Let go of any relationships, clients, work assignments or exercises that aren’t … Read More!
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Good morning, beauties and happy Friday! We’ve got lots of juicy articles up on the blog lately including my First Trimester Recap and 6 Morning Sickness Relief Must-Haves. I am now about to enter the Second Trimester and can’t believer how quickly time is flying.
Alrighty, onto this weeks feature on Healthy Chicks in the Community, a weekly series highlighting rockstar Girl Bosses doing their thang in the wellness world.
I “met” Devin of Love, Light and Legacy on instagram during a live tarot card reading she was doing with her brand new Tarot Fauna deck. Lucky me got a reading, and it was SPOT ON. It was right after I found out I was pregnant, and Devin pulled the “Wheel of Fortune” hawk card for me, symbolizing faith, destiny and a turn of events in one’s favor. After trying to have a baby for a year with her son (similar to my story), his spirit animal is actually the hawk so this card holds a special meaning for her family. MIND. BLOWN.
Needless to say, Devin and I connected afterward and are now scheming some exciting partnerships for her tribe. (Hint: I’ll be offering mini health … Read More!
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Like I mentioned in my first trimester recap, the nausea and vomiting kicked in for me around week 6, and lasted the entire first trimester.
For those of you who are suffering from “morning sickness” like me (ahem, it’s really any time of day), you are totally not alone and there is hope! While I haven’t been able to figure out how to make it go away, I have come up with a few tricks to at least make it a bit more manageable. Here are my top 6 must-haves:
1. Bone Broth
It’s no secret that I’m totally obsessed with bone broth, but I didn’t know how essential it’d be throughout my pregnancy! During times when my nausea would flare up and I couldn’t even look at food, bone broth provided a nourishing, nutrient-rich alternative I could get down with.
My go-to during the first trimester has been Five Way Foods chicken broth, since there’s something about chicken broth that’s healing for the soul. My favorite way to enjoy it is just as is in a big ol’ coffee mug, which makes me feel all hip and cool since I’m not drinking coffee during my pregnancy, … Read More!
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{still no bump, but babe is the size of a lime here!}
Good morning babes! As you probably know by now, I am pregnant and we’re expecting our first baby late August. The end of this week, I’ll officially be out of the first trimester (hooray) so I wanted to fill you in on all the ups and downs thus far.
While I’m trying to be present and appreciate every moment of this pregnancy, I’m not gonna lie — the first couple months were rough. From nightly vomiting and food aversions to extreme fatigue and sore breasts, I’ve pretty much hit the jackpot with all your typical pregnancy symptoms.
While I’ve spent many nights balling my eyes out in misery, sucking on mints to ease the throat burn and wondering how I’m going to get through this, knowing our rainbow baby is waiting for us at the end makes it all worth it.
Today on the blog, I’m sharing an inside look at the first trimester — the good, the bad and the ugly!
During my first trimester, food was one of the last things on my mind due to the pretty intense nausea I had! However, there … Read More!
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Good morning ladies, and Happy Friday! Thank you so much for the love on my pregnancy announcement — the messages coming through via email and social media have touched me deeply and I’ve been so emotional this week (in a good way).
Moving on to this week’s feature on Healthy Chicks in the Community, a weekly series highlighting rockstar girl bosses doing their thang in the wellness industry! As you know, I’m a huge fan of functional medicine — that is a more holistic way of looking at health by helping patients get to the root cause. That’s why I couldn’t be more thrilled to feature Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (say that five times fast) Kristin Thomas of Thrive by Food. I love her Whole Foods based philosophy, knowing that good health begins with a healthy gut.
Heads up: She offers several juicy free guides and is currently offering 50% off her 4-week Restore Your Gut Program through 2/28, which if you ask me is a total steal! Alrighty, I’ll let Kristin take over from here as she’s got lots of golden nuggets of wisdom to share with you.

NAME: Kristin Thomas
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Happy Valentine’s Day loves! My heart is literally exploding with love right now, as hubby and I are officially 12 weeks pregnant with baby arriving late August. Today on the blog, I wanted to share my journey with you, including the ups & downs, and how we found out we were pregnant. (Spoiler: it was a big surprise!)
Many of you know I had an early miscarriage in July, and the whole trying to conceive journey did not come easy for us. It wasn’t “hard” either, but it took us about a year to get pregnant, including a loss along the way. I will say that going through the hardship of loss and learning to trust in my body more deeply than ever before has made me appreciate this little growing rainbow babe in ways I can’t express. The amount of gratitude I feel right now in this very moment is indescribable (morning all-day sickness and all).

The Turning Point
In December, after nearly a year of trying to get pregnant (including an early miscarriage in July), I started losing hope and decided to book an appointment with a Healer I was referred to who offers intuitive medical … Read More!