Mental Healthy Check-In: 5 Ways to Shift Your Mindset During the Global Pandemic
I wanted to check in with you all and simply ask, how have you been doing?
I’ve been trying to stay positive through this all because it’s how I roll but the other day it hit me hard — I felt the anxiety creeping in and let myself cry. Then I took an epic nap when the baby napped.
It felt good. It’s what my body was craving.
If you’re feeling anxious/scared/confused/isolated/worried/stressed during these times, you’re not alone.
Here are a few tools that have been helping me focus on wellness and shift my mindset during this global pandemic.
Focus on things you CAN control
Take care of your wellness! At our home, we take daily vitamin D3 drops, lots of vitamin C (in the form of clementines and oranges, mostly), lots of hydration, and nourishing food like bone broth and homemade soup.
Get Outside
Get outside and soak in the energy of Mother Earth! Get at least 10 minutes of fresh air and sunshine each day, get grounded, play and re-energize.
Curate Your News Feed
Curate your news feed to make it work for you! This means turning off the news if it becomes “too much” and reading … Read More!