Healthy Chicks in the Community Series: Meet Boston-based Photographer Kate Lemmon

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Happy April beauties! With the new month comes a new feature on Healthy Chicks in the Community, a monthly series highlighting rockstar Girl Bosses in the community.

Since spring is a time to focus on growth and harnessing your inner creativity, I’m thrilled to feature Boston-based photographer Kate Lemmon. Not only does she have a thriving photography business, she’s also growing a tiny human. I couldn’t be happier for this mama-to-be!

In this inspiring interview, we chat with Kate about the joy she gets from family photography, her journey to becoming pregnant, and her dream royal dinner guest.


Kate Lemmon


I’m a family photographer who loves to create joyful, vibrant images for modern mamas.


Boston, MA


I help my clients press pause in the midst of their busy lives and make moments that matter. I show moms how much joy they bring to their kids and vice versa. I show them the beauty that’s inherent in motherhood when they’re too tired to see it on their own. I help them create happy family memories that help make the tough days … Read More!

21 Day Spring Self-Care Challenge: 3 Weeks of Mindset, Movement & Meditation

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Hello, beauties! It’s no lie we’re living in strange times right now — and like the rest of us you’re likely flooded with emotions.

I said it and I’ll say it again: taking care of your mental health is monumental right now.

That’s why I’m teaming up with Yoga Teacher and fellow Health Coach Kelley Abatzis to bring you a 21-Day Spring Self-Care Challenge jam-packed with mindset, movement and meditation tools so you can get back to focusing on you (and your wellness).

We kick things off on Monday, April 20th! Here’s what you get…

Your 21-Day Self Care Challenge Includes:

1. Morning dose of positivity + clear action steps sent straight to your email (even better than your morning iced coffee!) with feel-good action-steps to implement right away throughout the three weeks.

Note: all challenges can be done from home without spending money!

2. Yoga classes + mindful meditations: You’ll kick off each Monday with a guided meditation to focus on that week, and every weekend you’ll have access to a new yoga video to get your flow on with Kelley (including a special restorative flow to aide sleep)!

3. Access to our private Community Facebook group to hold one another accountable and … Read More!

Mental Healthy Check-In: 5 Ways to Shift Your Mindset During the Global Pandemic

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I wanted to check in with you all and simply ask, how have you been doing?

I’ve been trying to stay positive through this all because it’s how I roll but the other day it hit me hard — I felt the anxiety creeping in and let myself cry. Then I took an epic nap when the baby napped.

It felt good. It’s what my body was craving.

If you’re feeling anxious/scared/confused/isolated/worried/stressed during these times, you’re not alone.

Here are a few tools that have been helping me focus on wellness and shift my mindset during this global pandemic.

Focus on things you CAN control

Take care of your wellness! At our home, we take daily vitamin D3 drops, lots of vitamin C (in the form of clementines and oranges, mostly), lots of hydration, and nourishing food like bone broth and homemade soup.

Get Outside

Get outside and soak in the energy of Mother Earth! Get at least 10 minutes of fresh air and sunshine each day, get grounded, play and re-energize.

Curate Your News Feed

Curate your news feed to make it work for you! This means turning off the news if it becomes “too much” and reading … Read More!

Healthy Chicks in the Community Series: Meet The BAR[RE] CT Owner KC Brunini

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I’m a big fan of women supporting women, which is a big reason I launched the Healthy Chicks in the Community series. Heads up: I also recently created a private Facebook group for women to connect, create and cultivate if you’re looking for more community. (You can request to join here!)

Speaking of women in the community, I’m excited to introduce you to this month’s feature, Connecticut local Kimberly (KC) Brunini. As the Owner of THE BAR[RE] CT in Rocky Hill, CT, KC offers a variety of fitness classes to suit your unique style. (Fun fact: I’m hosting a Spring Equinox Spark Your Bliss Circle there on March 19th!)

In this inspiring interview, we chat about the challenges of launching a business, her love for pasta, and their sister yoga studio coming this spring!


Kimberly (KC) Brunini


Cromwell, CT


I own THE BAR[RE] CT in Rocky Hill, which is a small group fitness boutique studio, where we specialize in barre fitness but offer a variety of other formats. The idea behind THE BAR[RE] is you would never show up to a bar where you’re only … Read More!

4 Healthy Ways to Manifest More Abundance

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It’s tax season and I’m sure many of you are focusing quite a bit on money. Money talk can bring up many feelings for people — stress, anxiety, excitement, greed, guilt, joy, and more. At the end of the day, I think we’d all like to develop a healthier relationship with money (myself included).

This month, let’s focus on developing an abundance mindset.

Today on the blog, I wanted to share a few simple tips I utilize to bring more abundance into my life:

I have a gratitude journal practice

Each morning, I write down one to three things I’m grateful for, which helps open up space to attract more abundance (instead of coming from a lack mindset i.e. “I don’t have enough”).

I Carry an Infinity Symbol with Me in My Wallet:

My dear friend Cathy Ripley Greene taught me this trick: Draw an infinity symbol on a small piece of paper, and stash it in your wallet where you keep your money. Also, be mindful of keeping your wallet/purse clean, only with things that bring good energy (i.e. no loose change, old receipts, trash, etc.)

I Say “Thank You” When Money Comes in

No matter how much, … Read More!

Healthy Chicks White Bean Rotisserie Chicken Chili

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There’s no doubt about it: my dad makes the best chili. It’s packed with chorizo meatballs, ground turkey, beans and a whole bunch of secret ingredients. Fun fact: he actually made it as a finalist in last year’s NFL “Taste of Tailgating” recipe contest.

And while his chili is my favorite winter comfort food, sometimes a girl wants something a little lighter. That’s where Healthy Chicks Chicken Chili comes into play!

I recreated a recipe I remember from childhood with a new twist, and also saved a ton of time by using a pre-cooked rotisserie chicken. This simple White Bean Rotisserie Chicken Chili has a ton of flavor, is a bit lighter than your traditional chili and takes less than 30 minutes to make. Enjoy!

Simple White Bean Rotisserie Chicken Chili

Makes about 6 servings


  • 6 c. organic chicken broth (I used Pacific Foods)
  • 1 rotisserie chicken, shredded (Whole Foods has a great deal on these)
  • 1 yellow onion
  • 4 cloves garlic, chopped  
  • 2 cans white beans
  • 1 can green chiles  
  • 1 jalapeño, diced 
  • 1 can tomato paste 
  • 1 bunch cilantro, chopped (save half for garnish) 
  • 1 TB cumin
  • 1/2 TB chili powder
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon 
  • Salt & pepper
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Healthy Chicks in the Community Series: Meet Body Confidence Coach & Self-Love Activator Erika Beal

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Photo credit: Catherine Patterson Photography

Happy February! It’s that time again for our Healthy Chicks in the Community feature, a monthly series highlighting rockstar Girl Bosses doing their thang in the wellness world and beyond!

I’m honored to spotlight fellow wellness mama Erika Beal. As a Body Confidence Coach and “Self-Love Activator,” she helps women break the diet mindset and make peace with food — and their bodies. When I first met Erika at a Mom Boss event, I was drawn to her purple hair and magnetic personality. She was also unapologetically herself — so very clear on who she is and what she offers. Fun fact: she was also 9 months pregnant!

In this month’s interview, we chat with Erika about finding peace with your body, how she launched her dream career, and why squats are her favorite exercise. (The reason might surprise you!)


Erika Beal


South Windsor, CT 


I help women accept and embrace their bodies and discover the confidence they never knew they had. My goal with clients is to break them out of the diet mindset and shift to a more … Read More!

Can You Create a Nice Moment for Yourself Today?

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#TRUTHBOMB This working mom life isn’t always a walk in the park.

Some days I feel like I’m totally crushing it — my writing flows, money comes in all while I’m loving on my baby girl. Other days it feels hard — scrambling to meet a deadline, whip up a mediocre lunch, make a solo run to the grocery store all in that tiny window I get before little love wakes up from her nap.

I sometimes struggle with the balance of being a “good mom” and prioritizing me and my work. I’m human. Both are important to me. On the days I get a little stressed out, I know that energy carries on to her, so I’m working on being more aware of that.

The other day, a dear friend gifted me a note that said, “Create a nice moment for yourself at least once a day.” She said she knows it’s what I preach, but sometimes it’s hard to remember to actually DO IT for yourself.

The other day, when I could feel the overwhelm of working/momming/doing it all bubbling up, I asked for help from my husband, told him that I needed a moment. He … Read More!