10 Ways to Make More Time for YOU

You’ve heard me say it before and I’ll say it again: self-care is essential for living a well-rounded, healthy lifestyle. When we put ourself on the back burner, suddenly little pieces of our life begin to fall apart: our relationship, our job stress, our social life, our bank account. Sound familiar? Everything and I mean everything is related and you know what they say: How we do one thing is how we do everything.

Fortunately, making time for yourself is one thing that’s actually under our control. Here are 10 little ways to make more time for YOU starting now:

1. Develop a morning wellness ritual and actually stick to it. This is your sacred time to be alone with yourself and your thoughts.

2. Buy a giant calendar and start scheduling time in the day for “me time” or down time. Suddenly that jam-packed schedule full of appointments, errands and chaos doesn’t seem so daunting anymore, now does it?

3. Repeat this affirmation: “I have all the time in the world to do the things I love. I am in control.”

4. Make yourself a priority  by saying “No” to people when you truly don’t want to do something. You come first.

5. Speaking of priorities, get clear about what’s most important to you. Which areas do you need to pay more attention to? How can you create more balance in your life?

6. Make a “Stop Doing” list.

7. Take a break. Stop. Pause. Breathe. Take a day (or an entire weekend) to do absolutely nothing. Even the best of us need a little reset every once in a while! Sometimes stepping away from all of those time-sucking to-dos can bring a fresh sense of clarity & create even more time when we return.

8. Get organized! If your home life is feeling “cluttered,” likely your life is feeling cluttered too. Take some time to get organized so you can break free from the rut and see the light!

9. Downsize your goals. Are your goals and list of to-dos never-ending? It’s no wonder you feel like you can’t get anything done! Holy overwhelm! Instead, chunk down your big goals into mini, doable goals by the day or week. This is the method I take with my clients, which is proven to be much more effective in the long run.

10. Investigate your time-suckers. Are you spending hours a day on Facebook? Is that “busy work” really necessary right now to push you forward in your business? Are you spending far too much time with people you simply can’t stand? Where do you say “yes” when you really want to say “no?” Once you get clear about this, you can see what’s sucking your time and how you can pull away from those things.

Are you craving more time for yourself, or just looking for someone to help you get “unstuck” and hold you accountable for your goals? Schedule your FREE Body Love Breakthrough Session today by browsing through my upcoming appointments. P.S. If you’re not feeling your very best self & want to make quick, positive changes for your health, check out my brand new online program: the 21-Day Little Black Dress Summer Shape-Up which starts on 8/11! Email me with any questions.

One Response to “10 Ways to Make More Time for YOU”

  1. Caitlin Says:

    i constantly have to give myself reminders to do so many of the things on this list. i am working on being brave enough to say “no” whenever i want to do so. i also should definitely try the stop doing list.

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