The Recipe to a Happy, Simple Saturday

First off, I’d like to take a moment to honor this day, and remember all of the loved ones who were lost. We should all keep that in mind throughout the day, and try to maintain a positive, hopeful mindset for the future. 

I plan to spend this gorgeous Boston fall Saturday as simply as possible. No crazy plans or hectic appointments. Instead I’m going to relax, reflect and be happy. It’s said a picture’s worth a thousand words so instead of my usual wordy posts, I decided to enlighten you with photographs instead. This is how I plan to spend my lazy yet thought-provoking Saturday…

Seek out life’s simple pleasures. Find joy in the little things. This can be going for a walk and feeling the crisp fall air blow through your hair, or sending a “thinking of you” note or a hug to a friend in need…



Paint your nails…a pretty color…on the porch outside…with your best friends

Finally tackle that pile of laundry you’ve been procrastinating all week…


Do something crafty and creative, like organizing your bulletin board or starting a crochet


Drink a lot of H2O (with lemon if you have it)… I have to admit, I’ve been slacking off lately now that the weather is cooler


…and of course chug your favorite coffee (I chose DD’s iced toasted almond, but they now have *pumpkin* too)


Indulge in your fave girly mags…Self and Glamour I love you!


…and then move on to some more sophisticated reading (I really need to get going on this book already)


Snack on healthy, savory eats throughout today like these delicious Snapea Crisps!


…and then pamper yourself with an Oatmeal facial (1/4 to 1/2 c. oats+1/4 c. warm water+10-15 minutes of facial time=amazing)


Have a lovely Saturday afternoon everyone! How do you plan to spend your Saturday? R&R or fun & sassy? 

3 Responses to “The Recipe to a Happy, Simple Saturday”

  1. We are not Martha Says:

    love it! i’m in the middle of laundry and about to paint my nails, too 🙂 good way to get the weekend started and wind down from a busy week! [chels]

  2. healthychicks Says:

    Thanks for the response! I agree, there’s nothing like a nice day of relaxation and pampering to get the weekend started on the right foot!

  3. 6 Little Healthy Ways to De-Stress | Healthy Chicks Says:

    […] My favorite thing to do when I’m stressed out is to put on comfy clothes, give myself an oatmeal facial, paint my nails and just pamper myself to death. Sometimes I even light candles or take a bath. […]

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