TGIF: 5 Things I'm Pumped About!

1. I’m leaving in FIVE minutes to take a Power Yoga class at the gym. I haven’t taken yoga in a gym-setting in ages so this makes me super giddy. Power Yoga is especially exciting, because it’s a fitness based yoga, with emphasis on strength and flexibility while holding challenging poses. I love challenging my body!

2. The yummy gluten free waffles from Trader Joe’s that I just had for breakfast…topped with agave and Smart Balance Butter…with a little Teddie’s PB on the side. Do I even need to explain this one? I was in heaven. Oh and I paired it with cinnamon hazelnut coffee with vanilla soy. YUM!

3. I’m going to see The Social Network tonight with my roommates. I’m not only excited to see the move, but I’m thrilled for a night of relaxation & non-drinking. 

4. Boston Local Food Festival is finally here…TOMORROW! I can’t wait to volunteer and then spend the day tasting delicious, local food! A plus? It’s supposed to be a crisp 66 degrees and sunny tomorrow : ) 

5. I’ve been focusing lately on strength training and I’m feeling wonderful. Yes, strength training is possible to do WITHOUT a gym ladies! The other day I did a 30-minute On Demand Jillian Michael’s workout and last night I did 45 minutes of weights, lunges, squats, sit ups and push ups in my room. I was sweating more than I do from an hour on the elliptical machine. That’s saying something!

6 Responses to “TGIF: 5 Things I'm Pumped About!”

  1. Mindfully Emily Says:

    1) LOVE power yoga, so good for the mind and the body: strength!
    2) waffles and pb = love
    3) Looks soooo good, let me know what you think!
    4) Good luck and have a blast, might go but also want to get in one of the last weekends at my local farmers market
    5) LOVE strength training…its so wonderful to feel like a strong woman, no?
    Happy Fridayy!

  2. healthychicks Says:

    Thanks for the reply Emily! I’ll be sure to fill you in on the movie. Hope you have a wonderful weekend : )

  3. Erin @ A Girl & Her Mutt Says:

    The Boston Local Food Festival was great! Lovely event. 🙂

    I absolutely love Power Yoga. Its good to feel all stretched out and super strong!

  4. healthychicks Says:

    I agree with you Erin, what a wonderful event! And Power Yoga is amazing…I felt terrific after!

  5. Jenny Jen Says:

    For the 45-minutes of do-it-yourself weights, lunges, et al. how many sets of each and in what order did you do them? I find it so hard to motivate myself in my own home, but love the idea of sweating it out.

    Also, did you do the above with a side order of music?

  6. healthychicks Says:

    @JennyJen I like to change up my strength training routine, sometimes focusing on contrasting muscle groups i.e. I’ll do shoulders and legs one day. I combine exercises like overhead presses, shoulder presses, weighted lunges, squats and dumbbell swings.

    I typically do 3 sets and 10-12 reps of each exercise, resting for 30 seconds to 45 seconds between each rotation.

    Sometimes I find awesome workouts on or other online magazines, where I print the exercises out to use as a guide at home or in the gym! This motivates me to keep going because I want to finish the routine : ) I just found an amazing metabolism booster workout in Women’s Health Mag, so keep an eye out for fun workouts there. Usually you can do them with just a set of dumbbells or even your own body weight!

    And as for music, I ALWAYS blast the tunes whether it’s on my iPod or Pandora/Jango at home : ) Hope that helps!

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