When a Healthy Chick Loses Control of Her Diet


Have one too many of these today? You’re not screwed just yet…

Yesterday was one of those days where my diet was absolutely out of whack. I ate like I was hungover: careless, confused and thoughtless. It seemed I had absolutely no sense or control over what I was eating; I simply moseyed my way through the day munching and daydreaming away. You see, I slept over the Boy’s house the night before and we sorta overstayed our morning in bed. (Hey, it was cold out!) So by the time I left to rush for a meeting, I didn’t even think to eat breakfast. [mistake #1: skipping breakfast, only the most important meal of the day] I mean, what do boy’s have anyway? Probably just OJ and sugary cereal. No thanks.

As my tummy grumbled and my hunger pangs got the best of me, I couldn’t help but resist diving into frothy coffees and some kind of carrot-cake tasting dessert balls that were served on a platter once I got to the meeting. [mistake #2 & #3 : waiting until your stomach is growling to eat/ eating sugary things first thing in the morning, hence craving sugar all day] All I know is they tasted like heaven and had chocolate chips in them. How is a hungry girl supposed to turn that down? When a few minutes later our hostess brought out warm, homemade cherry-stuffed pop tarts with frosting and pretty sprinkles, I simply had to have one…(or two).

Come 2 p.m. I was now craving lunch-y food, but really had no track of time since I didn’t really have a “real” breakfast at all. That’s when the woman of the house brought out delectable calzones…TWO types: ham &  feta and spinach & mozzarella. My eyes grew with delight. I HAD to have one…just one. Really, I’m not supposed to eat them because wheat makes me bloated and I stick to a gluten-free diet, but what could just one do? After a few bites, one led to two which  led to three. I had lost all control. [mistake #4 and #5: losing control/eating foods that you know will make you feel blah]

Soon enough, I was stuffed, groggy and irritable. I could no longer focus on anything being said in the meeting, and I was antsy as hell. That is so not me. Another healthy chick at the meeting was feeling the exact same way. “I know I haven’t been eating right because I don’t feel as good as I normally do.” All that yummy, pretty food got the best of us.

Was I guilty? No. Did I beat myself up for my not-so-smart choices? No. I don’t let food make me feel guilty anymore. I’m a healthy chick, and one day of whacky eating isn’t going to do anything to my body. But I can say I definitely learned something: eating has sooooooooo much impact on how you feel throughout the day. Not only did I physically feel bloated, but I didn’t have that healthy glow I normally do, I felt exhausted, and my focus was no where to be found. I wasn’t feeling me at all. No wonder I stick to healthy, clean, wholesome eating and make it a point to eat breakfast, I thought to myself. Forget what it does for your body/weight; how about what it does for your entire mindset? Now that’s something to think about.

I was completely dreading my 3.5 mile treadmill run (mandatory for my half marathon training) while riding the T on my way home..half asleep with my bloated stomach. How the hell am I going to muster up the energy? But I thought, I will not quit! I will turn this whacky day around! When I got home, I immediately chugged a few bottles of water – something I had slacked on all day – and ate a healthy snack of veggies and hummus and some calcium-packed cheese.

I then chugged some more water, threw on my workout clothes and hit the gym. I ran the most incredible 3.5 miles of my life, and was dripping in sweat when I finished. Bye-bye toxins and helllllooo Healthy Chick! I was back. Dinner was then a veggie packed salad with tuna and dill with balsamic dressing…and of course LOTS of water. Soon enough, I felt amazing. I turned my day around with just a few smart choices!

So next time you lose control (whether it’s with your workout routine, diet, or any part of life) know that you can turn it around at any time. Just ’cause you make a few little “mistakes” doesn’t mean you have to throw the whole day out the window. The day is yours. Own it.

13 Responses to “When a Healthy Chick Loses Control of Her Diet”

  1. Kathy The Boston Sports Woman Says:

    Oh my fav Healthy Chick you are sooooo right! I got home and felt the need to eat veggies like never before! Drank a boat load of soda water with lime, and did my 55 minute workout! I cracked up when I read that you went to the gym and did your run!
    We can’t ignore what goes in our body, as my friend Amy at Interior Gardens believes, what goes in makes up who we are on the outside and how we feel.

  2. healthychicks Says:

    Glad we were both able to turn our days around Kathy! LOVE what your friend Amy says…that’s SO true : ) Thanks for the comment!

  3. Stephanie Horton Says:

    I love this post! I think a lot of people can relate with this situation. Sometimes, life gets a little wacky and we lose sight of why we make healthy choices in the first place. Sometimes, having a day like this is a good reminder of why we eat healthy and exercise (to make us FEEL good). I’m glad you were able to turn the day around and go to bed feeling like yourself. One (or a few) less than favorable choices in the day does not mean you’re doomed for the rest of it! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  4. healthychicks Says:

    Stephanie, thanks so much for the comment! I love how all of us women can talk about it openly…because it DOES happen to everyone and it’s not a bad thing by any means, it’s more like a wake up call.

    People sometimes tease me “You eat so healthy, you are so good!” but they don’t realize that I do it first and foremost for how I feel. That’s the important part.

    Wonderful comment, I love that you can relate : )

  5. Marybeth petescia Says:


    I had the same day yesterday! Well, okay not totally because I wasnt glamorously served food all day but I couldnt stop eating! I didnt push myself to go to the gym like I normally do which means extra hard push tonight to get back in the groove. Thanks for the helpful tips!

  6. healthychicks Says:

    Thanks for the comment Marybeth! We all get a little out-of-control with our eating sometimes, but I like your mindset. Every day is a new day after all! Hope today’s a good one for ya : )

  7. Tweets that mention When a Healthy Chick Loses Control of Her Diet | Healthy Chicks -- Topsy.com Says:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Stephanie Horton, Rachel Chemerynski. Rachel Chemerynski said: When a Healthy Chick Loses Control of Her Diet http://fb.me/QmxEstaI […]

  8. Jess Says:

    GREAT post, girlfriend. This is EXACTLY the trap I think so many fall into – the “omg I had the WORST eating day! I might as well just give up entirely. Why bother trying to right this ship now.” WRONG answer. You approached it in JUST the right way and that is awesome and so inpsiring. Because you’re right, each day is yours to own, own it no matter what, even with an extra pop tart or two thrown into that day. IT’s all good! (and um, homemade pop tarts?? I could NEVER resist that I’m pretty sure).

  9. healthychicks Says:

    Thanks Jess… Glad you found it inspiring : ) We should all have this mindset whenever we get a little “off track” in all aspects of life! Thanks for the great comment!

  10. Brittany Elizabeth Says:

    LOVE this! Goes right along with my philosophy of mindful eating. Non-judgment is one of the rules, so NOT judging yourself, being so aware of how it affected your body, and then choosing to make the change is HUGE. 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration – here comes the weekend and now I feel a little more prepared 😀


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  12. Jenny Jen Says:

    The best thing you can do to not get yourself in this all-to-familiar situation: pre-pack lunch and breakfast and snacks for the day before heading to the boy’s place for a slumber party. Whenever I know I won’t be making it home in the morning before work, I make sure I pack a day’s worth of food and keep it in my boys fridge the night prior. I – like you – eat healthy because it makes me feel good mentally and physically, not because of aesthetics or to count cals. The pangs of hunger are our bodies reminder to us that we aren’t taking proper care of ourselves. Sounds like you are very aware of what you need, which is such a great reminder for all of us.

  13. healthychicks Says:

    Luckily for me The Boy is eating super healthy now too – so his fridge is always stocked with healthy snacks, fresh fruit, and great finds : ) It’s always good to have an emergency snack on hand though! I try to carry raw nuts, Lara Bars and apples with me when I don’t know when I’ll get the chance to eat something that day!

    Thanks for the tips Jen!

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