Quotable Sunday: On Living in the Moment


The other day, my lovely cousin came to me concerned about getting older, and things changing. I have to admit, this topic gets to me from time to time as well. But what really gets me through the day – and life in general – is living in the moment. I strive to live in the now, take every day as it comes, and not fret about the future. If you put too much stress and thought into what lies ahead, you will never fully be able to enjoy the present…the beautiful, amazing wonderful present.

So that’s what I leave you to think about on this sunny Sunday morning. Enjoy the day…it is all yours.


4 Responses to “Quotable Sunday: On Living in the Moment”

  1. Robin Says:

    LOVE THIS!!!! We are all getting older every day – that will happen no matter what (if we are lucky) if we take care of ourselves and be healthy both physically and mentally…. Enjoy every day, let go of the little things that are not live changing, love completely with all your heart and follow your dreams….. I so enjoy reading your positive posts.

  2. healthychicks Says:

    Thanks for the comment Robin! I love your take on it; taking care of ourselves AND our body every day is oh so important. Take everything one day at a time…it’s the only way to be : )

  3. Jess Says:

    LOVE this – living in the moment is so, so, so important but sooo easy to push to the wayside. Our lives are so fast paced these days and SO filled with all things “connected” that it makes living in that moment and being present, that much harder. I am trying VERY hard to do that “in the moment” thang much more…which I did with great success this weekend, I must say. It felt great. 🙂

  4. healthychicks Says:

    Awww Jess that makes me happy! No one can be perfect at living in the moment, but it’s something we should all strive for in our life. Sounds like you at a great weekend girly : )

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