Quotable Sunday: A Shout Out to Dad

Happy Father’s day to all you dad’s out there! Not that any dad’s beside my own read this blog, but you know what I mean. ‘Tis the day to celebrate everything our father’s do for us, and in my case that’s an awful lot.

So dad, here is a post dedicated just for you; yup, the #1 guy in my life who has been there from day one when I was a little puny 5-pound babe who you claimed look like E.T. (Ha, thanks dad.)

But in all seriousness, here are a few things I am particularly thankful for this Father’s Day:

1. That you attempted to make me a nasty basketball player when I was a little girl, despite the fact that I had zero patience when you tried to correct my “follow through,” and still loved me even though I (kinda) sucked.

2. That you put up with a family composed of all women. You should really get a gold medal for that.

3. That you motivated me to fall in love with running, and supported me through training for my first half marathon, even though I cried during the first 5K we ran together. You taught me never to give up.

4. That you support my sometimes wild dreams, and always insist I follow my heart & my passions.

5. That you treat me to coffee, sushi, Whole Food’s, a new outfit, or a new book every time I see you, because you know they are my favorites.

6. For being the most positive person I know, and teaching me how to have a “glass is half full” mindset.

7. For putting up with me through my crazy teenage “boy crazy” years, and reminding me to “Stop following your hormones and follow your heart.”

8. That when I don’t pick up my phone, you always leave the best, most motivating voice mails in the world.

9. That you are the master at balancing family and fun, and still know how to “live it up” like a twenty-something. Life is good.

10. For teaching us not to take life too seriously, and reminding me every day that it’ll all fall into place if I simply believe in myself.

Thank you dad, for everything.



5 Responses to “Quotable Sunday: A Shout Out to Dad”

  1. sisters running the kitchen (Christina & Mary) Says:

    aw this is so cute! p.s. i like the new look of your blog!! hope you are doing well 😉

  2. healthychicks Says:

    Glad you enjoyed. And thanks, I’ve been playing with new themes so I’m sure the look is going to continue to change – thanks for the feedback! Hope all is well with you two as well : )

  3. Elizabeth Jarrard Says:

    Too cute!!! ps love the new blog layout!

  4. healthychicks Says:

    Thanks Elizabeth! We definitely need to plan a meet up soon you fellow Boston gal ; )

  5. mike ski Says:

    Thanks Rach- i love being your favorite Dad:-)

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