Looking on the Bright Side and Friday Favorites
Wow, what a week. I think I speak for everyone when I say TGIF. Seriously, I’ve been waiting for Friday to come for what seems like months. I had one of those hell weeks, you know where everything just seems to go wrong. But I woke up this morning with a new outlook on things. You can’t change whatever happened in the past, so why not move forward? It’s not worth dwelling on past issues, when the future holds much brighter things for each and every one of us. As my roommate put it this morning: “Things can only go up from here!” And she’s exactly right. OK, enough with my philosophical advice; it’s time for my weekly Friday Favorites! Here’s what made my top three this week:
1. Red Lantern: I was lucky enough to work an event the other evening at Red Lantern, a new Asian Fusion restaurant in Boston’s Back Bay. From the beautiful Asian decor and chic atmosphere to the ever-so-delectable menu, I was more than impressed. The sushi was fresh and flavorful, the dumplings had just the right amount of flair, and the calamari fries were crunchy and savory. I’ll definitely be going back there for a full course meal in the near future! I’m positive this trendy restaurant is going to be a Bostonian favorite in no time.
2. Hint Water: The kind people at Hint Water dropped off a few cases of their lightly infused natural water to my apartment the other day. Their slogan “Drink Water, Not Sugar” says it all. At first I was skeptical to try another flavored water as they’re usual filled with sugar, fake sugar (even worse) or other sketchy ingredients. Not Hint! Hint keeps all the benefits of drinking regular water with just a pinch (er, hint) of flavor. That is, there are zero calories, zero sweeteners and zero sugar. Just pure water and natural flavor. With 10 different flavors – from Cucumber to Mango-Grapefruit – there are plenty of options to replenish your taste buds. My favorite so far is the Blackberry, as it was the perfect wake-up refresher for me yesterday morning when I enjoyed it chilled on my way to work.
3. Ingrid Michaelson: I’ve had her playing on repeat all week long. I even have a Jango playlist dedicated to her, and artists with similar voices. There’s just something about her voice that soothes my soul, and puts me back in place. Give her a try yourself. My favorite songs this week have been “Keep Breathing” and “You and I.”
OK, off to finish getting camping supplies (i.e. S’mores, Vodka and big jar of peanut butter) for the weekend! It’s the Fourth of July and my 24th birthday the following day…girl’s gonna eat what she wants to eat. And yes, I’m going REAL camping on Bumkin Island with The Boy and two other couples. Look it up. No running water, no make up, composting toilets, tents, and limited supplies. What we bring is what we have. My boyfriend said it’ll be a test to how “girly girl” I really am. I’m semi shitting my pants, but mostly excited for an exciting & hilarious journey. Wish me luck my friends!