Tuesday Talk: Now Stretch it Out


I have a confession: I don’t stretch nearly as much as I need to. Scratch that. I barely stretch at all. Sometimes I’ll go for my long runs, and hit the shower before I even think to stretch out my hamstrings. Not good, not good at all. I know we hear this all of the time, but stretching is vital, especially for those who are physically active.

Not only does does stretching help prevent injuries, but if often improves our athletic performance along with many other benefits such as flexibility. Maybe that’s why I can barely touch my toes without bending my knees, and to think I used to be The Queen of sit-and-reach in gym class when I was younger. Hm, maybe it has a little something to do with the lack of stretching, don’t ya think?

The other day my hamstrings were so tight from running that I could barely lift my legs up during Core Fusion class, when the rest of the class made it seem like a piece of cake. I was ashamed, but tried not to get too down on myself. It’s simply a matter of fact: I need to stretch more. I need to make it part of my daily routine. If I have time to run & fuel my body with healthy eats, then I most definitely have time to stretch.

If you are a runner like myself, or exercise regularly, maybe you should rethink your stretching routine too. Here are some super stretches courtesy of Fitness Magazine, particularly for all of you runners out there. I also recommend getting more involved in classes such as yoga or core fusion, with naturally incorporate stretching in with the workout, thus increasing flexibility. Now stretch it out ladies!

Do you stretch enough? Do you do so before or after exercise? What are some of your top stretches?


2 Responses to “Tuesday Talk: Now Stretch it Out”

  1. Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic Says:

    I don’t get to stretch as much as I want to (or foam roll) but I do try to put more effort into it, especially since I am so injury prone. I’m also trying to get back into practicing yoga regularly, that def helps!

  2. Rachel @Healthy_Chicks Says:

    @Bianca I need to get myself a foam roller already, totally necessary while training for this half! We can motivate each other to stretch more hehe : )

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