Valentine’s Day Thoughts + 40 Days of Gratitude
Goodmorning lovely ladies and Happy Valentine’s Day! Today I will be celebrating my THIRD Valentine’s Day with The Boy which is quite hard to believe. In fact, last night while laying in bed together, I reminded him of our very first Valentine’s Day together. The day started off lovely, as he surprised me with my first ever roses, cards, gifts and all the mushy gushy things V Day is set out to be.
Then at night, things took a turn. We were laying in bed (same sides of the bed as we do now!) in his 16th-floor apartment in Revere overlooking the ocean and I was definitely starting to feel loving feelings. Mind you, this was only about 3 months into our relationship. He then threw a little curve ball, and somehow mentioned his fear of commitment and how it takes him a while to express himself. I was completely taken aback but held in my frustration (or so I thought I did) because I knew he was worth fighting for…taking a chance on. It’s crazy to see how far we’ve come since then!
This year, whether you are single or coupled off, the best advice I can give you is to remember to LOVE YOURSELF, your beautiful perfect lovely self. If you’re not quite sure where to start, check out my article published over at SpaFinder on 6 Ways to Love Yourself this Valentine’s Day.
Speaking of love, while I am not super-religious I do go to church around the holidays and carry my faith with me every day. And since yesterday marked the first day of Lent, I wanted to announce what I’ll be doing. Note I said DOING not “GIVING UP.” You see, three years ago (when I still had my old blog format) I decided to write 40 letters to a different person each day who has had a positive impact on my life. It was one of the most enlightening, rewarding experiences for me and for those I wrote to. I remember the last letter was written to my Grandma a couple weeks before she passed away. To this day, I am still grateful she was able to hear what I had to say.
This year, I am going to be doing something similar. Each day, I am going to express my gratitude for someone in my life, as well as write down one thing I am grateful for in myself. It can be in the form of a phone call, in-person, a letter in the mail, an email, a text, a gift with a note, etc but it has to come from the heart! I’m calling it 40 Days of Gratitude. By Easter, I will have impacted 40 different people, and have a list of 40 things I love about me. Now that’s faith. To me, that’s stronger and more impactful than giving up cookies any day.
If you’d like to join me in this little journey, please do! I invite you all to take part, as I know how big of an impact just a few kind words can have on someone’s day. To join, simply follow along on the blog, and send your gratitude messages to those you love for the next 39 days. I’d love to hear your comments on the blog! To follow along on Twitter, you can use hashtag #40DaysOG.
I’ll start. Since I missed yesterday, today I will be sending two letters and writing down two things I’m grateful for in myself:
1. My creative mind that while sometimes moves way too fast for me to keep up with, never goes stale with ideas.
2. The genuine LOVE I have for those around me & the fact that I feel love & loved every day.
Please join and share your thoughts here. Have a beautiful, heart-warming, sweet day ladies! And stay tuned for Healthy Chicks in the Community which will be posted later today…

February 14th, 2013 at 11:31 am
What a beautiful post! I love your #40DaysOG idea…jumping on the gratitude train!
February 14th, 2013 at 11:54 am
OMG Rachel! This idea is SO inspiring and I totally want to take part! You rock, beautiful!
February 14th, 2013 at 12:02 pm
[…] afternoon ladies and Happy Valentine’s Day! You can check out my thoughts on Valentine’s Day & 40 Days of Gratitude Project here. But in the meantime, I’ve got this week’s spotlight for Healthy Chicks in the […]
February 14th, 2013 at 12:05 pm
Love this! Such an amazing idea!
February 14th, 2013 at 12:36 pm
@Sara Thanks Sara, I hope you join in! It’s honestly so enlightening and fun too 🙂
February 14th, 2013 at 12:37 pm
@Cailtin So glad to have you on board. You’re going to learn so much about yourself throughout the process. Three years ago when I did this the first time, I did it for others but it ended up completely impacting MY life in a beautiful way.
February 14th, 2013 at 12:37 pm
@Danielle Thanks Danielle, hope you join in 🙂 Happy Valentine’s Day!! xoxo
February 14th, 2013 at 4:02 pm
What a GREAT IDEA!! I love this! And love that you suggest we love ourselves – so so true! It’s hard to do sometimes, and easy to forget to do, but we really need to be our own best friends.
February 14th, 2013 at 7:49 pm
@jobo Exactly! Self love is the most important at all, but many of us have a hard time making time for it. I too struggle with it from time to time…It’s a learning experience!