Please Send this Healthy Chick to B-School with Marie Forleo
Good afternoon ladies! As most of you know, this year has been a whirlwind of excitement growing my blog, expanding my health coaching services and narrowing down my niche. It’s been fun, tiring, enlightening, crazy, wild, and life-changing all at once!
While I live and breathe my Healthy Chicks brand, I want to share my story with the world, and help as many young women struggling with body image issues, dieting and finding their inner zest for life! But I can’t do this all alone, at least not just yet.
That’s why I’ve entered to win a scholarship to Marie Forleo’s B-School, to help take my business to the next level…with a bang! This is something I’ve been working long and hard on, and I 100% believe Marie can give me just the kick-start I need.
It’d mean the world to me for you to view, like or comment on my entry video on Youtube. Your support means everything to me! Also I owe a HUGE thank you to The Boy for putting up with me for hours last night and this morning during filming, while keeping his cool and utmost patience. I’m one lucky, thankful Chick!

February 18th, 2013 at 12:14 pm
Fingers crossed Marie loves it! I’m so excited to follow along on your journey! I know you’ll do amazing!
February 18th, 2013 at 12:18 pm
@Danielle Thank you thank you thank you Danielle!! I’m keeping my fingers crossed too 🙂 So glad to have your support!!