Healthy Chicks in the News: Featured on BU’s Sargent Choice
I didn’t have a post planned for today, but wanted to share some exciting news with my readers! I was riding home on the T after a rather rainy coffee date with a friend, and was pleasantly surprised when I looked down at my phone. Boston University’s Sargent Choice Nutrition Center has recognized Healthy Chicks as “Best of the Food Web.”
When I saw that I’d been featured, I quickly head over to their site to read more. As I read every last word, my body filled with warmth, chills and gratitude as their words really touched my heart. That right there is exactly why I choose to do what I do, and it means the world to me to be recognized for that.
As you all know, connecting with my readers & clients, and helping other women lead happier, healthier more vibrant lives (without dieting) is what I live for! It’s my “natural high,” my purpose, my calling. If I can make someone smile a little bigger, feel more comfortable in their curves or question what they’re putting into their bodies, I have done my job.
I encourage you to go out and read the article. They really couldn’t have captured who I am and what I believe in any more perfectly. I am grinning from ear to ear!
As always, please feel free email me, leave a comment or check out my health coaching programs. I am here for you and want to help you 🙂

February 9th, 2024 at 7:58 am
Thanks for this valuable information
February 9th, 2024 at 8:00 am
Diş eti zonklaması, genellikle diş etlerinde hissedilen rahatsız edici bir durumu ifade eder. Diş eti zonklamasının başlıca nedeni diş eti iltihabı veya diş eti çekilmesidir. Diş eti iltihabı, bakteri plağı birikiminden kaynaklanan bir enfeksiyonu işaret eder. Diş eti çekilmesi ise diş etlerinin çekilmesi ve diş köklerinin açığa çıkması durumudur. Diş eti zonklaması, diş etlerinde şişme, kızarıklık, kanama ve hassasiyetle birlikte ortaya çıkabilir. Bu durum, genellikle kötü ağız hijyeni, sigara içme, hormonal değişiklikler veya genetik faktörler gibi etkenlere bağlı olarak gelişir. Diş eti zonklamasını önlemek veya hafifletmek için düzenli diş fırçalama, diş ipi kullanımı ve düzenli diş hekimi kontrolleri önemlidir. Diş eti zonklamasının şiddetli ve sürekli olduğu durumlarda bir diş hekimine başvurmak, altta yatan sorunu belirlemek ve uygun tedaviyi almak önemlidir.