Just What I Needed: In Finding Love
You know those moments when just the right thing comes along at just the right time? It’s as if it was planned that way on purpose, like a little special hug from the Universe. It usually sneaks up on you during one of those “off days,” rough patches or time of grieving. All of the sudden, a little pick-me-up sort of falls into your lap out of no where.
To be honest with you, I’m still feeling a bit off in coping with Monday’s events, and have been having a hard time writing let alone feeling myself. I just keep replaying the day over and over again up to the moment of the attack, thinking “What if it were me?” However, I’ve certainly been finding love & joy in everything around me to not only help myself cope, but also those around me. To help our city heal.
You see, when you look for love it’s everywhere, really. You can find love in things as small as your morning cappuccino or as large as an entire community coming together to pray & heal.
Love is in the eyes of your barista, your lover, the stranger on the street. In that couldn’t-have-been-a-better-time email, note card, text, voicemail or phone call. It’s even in that most perfect fortune attached to your yogi tea.
Love & light is in you, and me and the entire Universe (something I was reminded yet again during the final minute of my yoga class last night).
Just keep your eyes and your heart open and you too will find love. This week, I have found love in…
*The overwhelming number of calls, texts, emails (from some people whom I haven’t spoken to in years) I received to ensure my safety
*The surprise visit from my mom, who came up from CT to take me on a lunch date, followed by some shopping & strolling in Harvard Square to cheer me up
*The warm rays of sunshine on my face
*My delicious mug of French Roast coffee
*The home-made meal The Boy whipped up the other night to put a smile on my face
*The adorable Buddha card my friend Jen sent from Toronto, pouring her love & admiration for me. It seriously couldn’t have arrived at a more perfect time.
*Hugs from friends who I adore
*Goodnight kisses & cuddle seshes that felt especially consoling this week
*The restorative yoga class I took last night, with the most beautiful “Om” at the end. The teacher even sang to us during Shavasana. It was absolutely beautiful & perfect.
It was just what I needed….exactly at the right time.
I want to know, when’s a time where you were sent some love at just. the. right. time? Share your stories below! Much love to you all…

April 18th, 2013 at 2:51 pm
remember my post about ed and the coffee shop? yes that was when i got love MOST when i needed it! i’ve been thinking about you each day and sending you so many positive vibes, girl. i’m coming to boston this saturday to sunday for a friend’s bday but unfortunately don’t think i’ll have time for a meetup…it’s gonna be a quick trip but i hope you will feel my love even more since i will be even closer to you in proximity! <3
April 18th, 2013 at 2:53 pm
@Caitlin Love you, Caitlin! I definitely feel your vibes girl. Thanks for all the love <3
April 18th, 2013 at 2:54 pm
I wasn’t expecting it, but I’m a little teary-eyed! So sad to hear your heart is so heavy, but glad to see that you’re not only remaining positive and seeing the love around you, but that you’re also not judging yourself for being sad and still coping. So important! Hang in there! Been thinking about Boston <3
April 18th, 2013 at 2:56 pm
@Brittany Thanks for thinking of me! Yes, I am just letting myself feel the emotions and heal. Tonight I’ll go for my first run since Monday & can’t wait to be with a group of strong people all coming together!
April 18th, 2013 at 4:33 pm
YES!!! We are on the same wavelength my friend — I just posted today about the little, simple things that I’ve been focusing on this week to keep myself from *not* focusing so much on the sadness that surrounds and envelops this fine city of ours. I LOVE your list of ‘loves’ my friend, especially the extra snuggles, those are the best. <3
April 18th, 2013 at 4:43 pm
@Jess Thanks for reading! While it doesn’t completely take away the sadness, finding love definitely works wonders. I can’t wait to read your post too <3
April 18th, 2013 at 6:01 pm
Such a great post! I think we’re all in need of a little light and love in our days! Focusing on the good always helps
April 18th, 2013 at 8:06 pm
@Danielle Thanks Danielle, totally agree! A shift in perspective can completely change your day!
April 23rd, 2013 at 10:57 am
moms are the best, aren’t they?? I am so glad you got that special time together, and that you are working towards normalcy again. It is hard, since we are in the thick of it, but each day, it’ll get better and better. XOXO
April 27th, 2013 at 10:26 am
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