What’s Your Body Really Craving?
Many of us live on a schedule, and make choices based on habits. Most of the time, our decisions are based on what’s right or in the norm versus how we’re feeling.
We eat the boring iceberg salad with fat-free dressing because we’re trying to slim down, even though we may really want the juicy, grass-fed burger. We sign up for 5 cardio classes in one work-week to stay in shape, even though we may really need some yoga (or heck, even a nap.) We do what’s right and punish ourselves for being “bad” when we do what we presume to be wrong.
How is this behavior showing up in your life?
This week, I’ve been lacking on the fitness front and old me would have beat myself up about it. New me realizes my body needed rest, nourishment and replenishing. Instead of ignoring my body’s signals by forcing myself to run it off on the treadmill for hours (old me), I now understand the beauty of looking within and taking a break. And this morning’s 7 a.m. Vinyasa flow at Back Bay Yoga with the lovely Cara Gilman totally hit the spot.
After all, our bodies are smart, and if you listen closely they will tell you exactly what you need at any given time. Reflect (without judgement) to understand your individual needs. Today I’d like you to think about what your body’s really craving (inside & out.) Is it craving Love? Rest? Energy? Passion? Serenity? Excitement? Peace? Does is want nourishment, appreciation and forgiveness?
Instead of rushing through your days the rest of the week, I challenge you to slow down and notice what’s going on inside without any judgement. Notice what your body wants & needs in the moment, and respect that this will change every day.
When we listen to our bodies & treat it with love, we become more in tune with what it’s really crying for.
Now, I ask, what is your body craving lately?

December 10th, 2013 at 3:42 am
Truly when someone doesn’t understand after that its up to other visitors that they will assist, so here it happens.