I am grateful for…
With Thanksgiving Day coming tomorrow, I’ve been thinking a lot about gratitude lately. I’m a firm believer that expressing your gratitude & feeling thankful is the #1 key to a happy, love-filled life. Next time you’re feeling down or particularly un-grateful (like “HOW COULD THIS EVER HAPPEN TO ME???!), I encourage you to get cozy & jot down everything you are grateful for right now.
Here’s my list:
- My family
- Having a sister
- My lovely fiancé Jason (even though the word still sounds kinda silly to me)
- My writing
- My blog
- Love
- My cozy apartment
- Cuddling
- Hot tea
- Heat
- My college girls
- My best friends
- Child’s Pose
- Fresh-brewed coffee
- My job
- Good food
- Our New Hampshire condo
- sweetgreen salads
- Fuzzy socks
- Fuzzy blankets (especially “Pinky”)
- My in-the-works e-book
- My health coaching
- Making people smile
- Helping people see themselves in a more beautiful light
- Helping people ween off dieting, deprivation & self-hatred
- Real food
- My future wedding – 10/24/14
- Mom’s chicken noodle soup
- Mom’s chicken divan
- Dad’s Thanksgiving Day turkey
- Thanksgiving
- Grandma’s homemade…everything!
- Running
- Yoga
- Meditation
- Essential oils
- Savasana
- Vision Boards
- #BostonStrong
- My mac
- My dog Sunny (who we had to put down last year but who was my “brother” growing up)
- The Sully family
- Miracles
- Good books
- Journals
- Dreams
- Kisses
- Bear hugs
- Modern Family
- Memories
- Good people
- People who tell you like it is
- The Little Things
- My body
- My dimple
- Having enough
- Road trips
- My Spotify Playlist
- Burning CDs
- Dark Chocolate
- Red Wine
- Laughter
- My creative mind
- My “mistakes”
- Sushi
- Dumpling Night
- Weeping Willow Trees
- Christmas Trees
- Christmas
- My relatives who have passed especially Grandma Carol & Papa George
- July 5th (my bday)
- Sunshine
- The first snowfall
- That moment when you *fall in love*
- First kisses
- Stretchy yoga pants
- Hot soup
- My good luck
- Making wishes
- Long sweaters
- Faith
- New days
- Good days
- The Beatles
- My health
- My flexible schedule
- Christmas ornaments
- Flip Flops
- Candles
- Taking chances
- Positivity
- Finding beauty in little things
- Free haircuts (my mom owns a hair salon)
- Lazy Sundays
- Pancakes + bacon
- The beach
- The mountains
- Kindness
- My life
What are YOU grateful for?
Happy holidays loves,

January 26th, 2016 at 3:21 pm
Applying ice to swollen areas and taking anti-inflammatory medications
may relieve some of the pain. Any kind of injury may affect
the Foot Pain and Flip Flops such as fractures, bruises or trauma.
Only a small percentage of the population is born with foot problems, the American Podiatric Medical Association believes.