Where you are is where you need to be
Do you ever wonder if you made the right choice, if you did in fact choose the correct path in life, if all will be a-OK?
Quite often we spend far too much time focusing on the past, or — the opposite — fretting about the future. We get so caught up in the “what ifs,” the “shoulds” and the “buts” that we lose site of the right here, right now.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not easy to focus on the now but I’ll tell ya what: it’s a heck of a lot less stressful.
I’ve been hearing a lot of conversations lately about choosing the right path or following ones heart, weighing the pros and cons and going back and forth between various scenarios. Be it from relationships to career to spirituality, one thing is sure: this topic is a hot one.
But what if we simply paused for a moment and instead repeated this mantra: “Where I am is exactly where I need to be.” Now how does that feel?
In a life that throws you loops and turns, grand surprises and heartbreak, one can never know if we’re doing it right…all the darn time. But what we can know is that we’re doing it right right now. And that where we are is exactly where we are meant to be.
I look back to a time when I was making $10 an hour working side jobs just trying to make it work (like my two-week stint crafting cappuccinos trying to form that perfect heart-shape), meanwhile wondering what the heck I was going to do with my life.
I was scared. I was lost. I wasn’t sure of anything. (Are we ever really?) But I trusted the universe had a plan for me, and that everything would somehow work out.
Who knew that in just a little over a year I would…
meet the love of my life and get engaged?
find my dream job and truly know what it means to love the work you do?
finally become financially stable + free?
move into a cute little apartment in Brookline?
truly fall in love with me?
I didn’t know.
You see, nothing is certain, but if we trust in ourselves that we are enough, that where we are is exactly where we need to be, then it is certain that everything will work itself out. Even if it takes a little longer than expected.