Are you a dream chaser?
Are you a dream chaser?
Do you vision-board your life over and over again?
Are you constantly thinking how you can be better, faster, stronger, always thinking you need to do more?
Do you strive for this ideal version of yourself, yet never feel quite satisfied?
Now let me ask you this: do you ever feel downright tired?
I know because I’ve totally been there. I used to be THE dream-chaser. (And it’s not like there is anything terribly wrong with being a dreamer by the way) That’s not what I’m saying at all. It’s when you are so busy chasing your dreams, that you lose sight of the present and the beauty that is. That’s where the problem is.
There comes a time when you just need to stop (chasing/striving/running) and start living and breathing in the moment. You see, when you stop trying so darn hard to get EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT and just trust + believe, the universe can finally start working on your side. It’s as if you unblock this sticky fog (smog?) that’s been suffocating you, and finally allow yourself to see things as they really are.
Sure trusting in the universe can be a bit scary — how can you trust in something you can’t see nor don’t know will ever come true? — but once you break through that fear the magic starts happening. Beautiful things begin to manifest for you.
So no, my darling, never lose sight of your dreams; dreams keep us youthful, hopeful and inspired. Simply shift the way you act upon your dreams into a belief and intention rather than a “I need that right now” mentality. Then take a step back, and a deep breath and let things flow to you. From the wise words of my yogi tea bag, “Let things come to you.”