Are you listening?
Are you listening…
to your body?
your mind?
your gut instinct?
your significant other when sitting across the table at dinner?
to yourself?
As much as I’d like to think I’m a good listener, if I’m being completely honest with you this is definitely one area of my life that could use some major work.
For one, there’s the addiction that I have to my iPhone. (It’s bad, like really bad) For some reason, I constantly feel the need to check work emails (even on the weekends and past 9 o’clock), browse twitter and check to see if my latest insta post got any likes + comments. Meanwhile, my husband will be trying to have a meaningful conversation with me but I’m failing to listen, to really be there for him. Even though I’m not doing it intentionally, it doesn’t feel good inside. And thus this is something I want to STOP DOING NOW.
Then there’s the whole listening to your body. This is something I preach often on the blog, and feel that the majority of the time I practice. But I am human too (and by no means perfect!), and sometimes I let this slide…
…Like in the morning when my body really wants + needs a solid protein-packed breakfast but I’m running late to work and grab the easy gluten-free waffle option
…and when I take the “easy way out” instead of listening to my gut
…Or when I don’t drink enough water some days, and instead go for another coffee to “power through” (even though I know caffeine is not the answer)
…Or last night in my power vinyasa class, when I couldn’t help but stare at the slim, flexible yogi in front of me sculpting her body into this crazy impossible shape when I simply stayed in tree pose feeling week + comparing.
I was failing to listen, to truly listen with all my heart and soul.
Sound familiar? If you can relate, I urge you to take some time (even 20-30 minutes) to yourself to truly listen and be alone with your thoughts. What is your body crying for? What are your heart’s deepest desires? What are some things in your life you can let go of, that aren’t serving you well and perhaps blocking you from getting what you really want?
After spending some time alone with my thoughts, this is what I heard:
1. “Start running again. It makes you feel strong, powerful and beautiful! You can use the treadmill for now, but pretty soon the snow will melt and you can get back outside!”
2. “Take time for yourself to unplug. Perhaps every Sunday take a “me day.” You work hard and deserve it.”
3. “Yes, you aren’t feeling the best about your body these past couple weeks but it’s winter. It’s been a long, cold brutal one. Sunshine is coming soon and you know what to do! Keep nourishing yourself + yes, remember to drink that H2O.”
4. “Set weekly date nights with J. Cherish this time together, and really be together. (Turn that damn phone off!)”
5. “Practice yoga more often even if it’s just once a week at first. You love it and it makes you feel clear-headed, energized and alive!”
6. “Write…often. It’s your escape and you need this time for yourself.”
Let me just tell you…that felt darn good.
Now, let me ask you something: are you listening? How can you choose to actively listen…more?

February 28th, 2015 at 5:53 pm
I work with special needs preschoolers and an awesome staff. I have to listen or I will not be doing my job correctly…
March 2nd, 2015 at 4:01 pm
OH how I needed this and love this so. I call it my PMS mind crazies week where self doubt creeps in way more than it usually does (something I’ve worked hard at in the last year or so) and drives me absolutely insane. I definitely need to work on it and not use the PMS excuse, I shouldn’t have the self doubt/comparing/body ‘thoughts’ that I do sometimes. Be your own BFF, right? I have also been working on being present with M and not half listening, since I HATE when he does that to me (which is seriously rarely!), it really makes a huge difference. Love this post!
March 13th, 2015 at 7:02 am
[…] Great question: Are you listening […]