On Learning to Listen + Trust in the Universe
I have a confession to make: I worry a lot.
Like a lot, a lot.
As an empathetic, emotional cancer-the-crab, I have this innate sense of concern for myself + others that’s pretty darn hard to shake. It’s not necessarily a bad thing (I think everyone in my family including my husband to some extent appreciates the constant reminders to drive slow during a snow storm and call me immediately upon their return. Well, maybe.) Regardless, it is a part of who I am.
Of all the worries in the world, the one that sticks with me most is fear of the future. I can’t help but wonder, “Are we all going to make it through this crazy, beautiful, fabulous life OK?” And in a world of constant surprises + wonderings, it drives me absolutely mad to NOT KNOW EXACTLY WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT. If only I had a crystal ball…
Is this rational? Probably not. But it is who I am, and I’m learning to embrace that.
When I went to an energy reading a few weeks ago, the therapist said something that really stuck with me: “You have a fear associated to there being no real ‘guidelines’ to your path. The universe guides you based on your energy. Why would you need more than that?'”
She hit the nail on the head. As someone who is so resistant to structure + guidelines (I seriously despise any sort of rigid formality), there’s some part of me that also ironically fears the unknown when it comes to my life path.
Am I making the right decision…?
Did I make a mistake…?
What does the future hold for me…?
And what about money…can I be happy AND wealthy?
Will everything work itself out…?
But, what if…?
Last week, I made a pretty major life decision (more on that another time), and I had so much noise (and yes, worry) in my head that it was difficult for me to just listen…you know, truly listen within. Rather than listening to my heart, I found myself listening to other people + my own self-doubt a.k.a my ego. But once I was able to quiet my mind and really trust in myself, my decision became 100% crystal clear to me.
My energy had shifted. My worries had began to drift away. And even though I was still in the same exact situation as moments before, I was no longer afraid. It’s funny what a simple shift in perspective can do, isn’t it?
I was then brought right back to my energy session a few weeks before.
The universe guides you based on your energy. Why would you need more than that?
The words continued to play over + over again in my mind. I found them rather comforting, and enchanting at the same time.
You see, in a world of ups + downs, twists + turns, ebbs + flows, we may never know what the future brings. And while yes, this can be scary at times, it’s also pretty darn exciting. As long as you are clear about what it is you truly want and how it is you want to feel, the universe will guide you in the right direction. That right there is pretty darn enlightening.
I’ve never been a super “woo woo” person (although I do love my oracle cards and tend to embrace my inner hippy from time to time) but I am a firm believe that when you begin to open up yourself to the universe, it will fill you up with joy + abundance.
As I embark on this next journey in my life, I know me being a worry-wort isn’t just going to go away overnight…and that’s OK. However, I am going to work on learning to listen + trust in the universe (and myself). After all, what do I have to lose?

May 20th, 2015 at 2:41 pm
I worry about a lot of those same things. I always envy those worry-free, happy-go-lucky people that just live as if they know that everything will be fine. But like you said, we can’t be scared of the “what-ifs”, we have to embrace them! Life would be pretty boring if we all knew how our stories ended.
May 28th, 2015 at 12:27 am
[…] took some time + got real with my emotions, it was clear to me that I had to let go…I had to trust in the universe a […]