A Midweek Message for All Healthy Chicks

Good morning, darlings.

You’ve got this. You can do this.

You are enough. You are doing enough, in fact much more than you may even realize. But I see it, and she sees it; now it’s your turn.

You’re super beautiful, yes on the outside, but I’m especially talking about your soul. It sparkles.

You truly do have a lot to be grateful for, even if things seem to be falling apart right now. Look within.

There is no need to make any big changes; rather change your perspective. You’ll see things differently — more clearly, in a more positive light.

Let yourself shine. Don’t hold back. Stay humble, but radiate confidence.

Do you. Do only what you want to do. If it feels right, follow that. If it feels off, dig deeper and ask “why.” When it feels really good and juicy, you are listening to your soul.

Stop. Slow down. Breathe. Take a minute. You are only one person, ya gotta take care of yourself.

Rock it out, take time to laugh, make time for play.

You’ve got this.



One Response to “A Midweek Message for All Healthy Chicks”

  1. Jolene Says:

    <3 this x1000!

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