6 Musts for a Woodland Animal Themed Nursery
When I told my mom I was pregnant, one of her first questions was, “What’s your theme going to be?” “My what?” “Your theme…for your nursery.” Needless to say, I hadn’t quite thought about it.
But after a little research and Pinteresting, I landed on woodland animal. I really liked that it was gender neutral, and I mean how adorable are the little critters? I absolutely love how our nursery came together, and it suits our little Isabella Rose perfectly.
Here are 6 must-haves to complete your woodland animal themed baby nursery!
1. A Cozy Blanket
A cozy blanky is a must to complete any baby’s room. I love this handmade fleece blanket my sister got us from Etsy. It’s perfect for snuggling up, and has the most adorable design!
2. Treetop Friends Playmat
Playmats are great for baby’s development, and this one fits the woodland theme perfectly! This Treetop Friends Activity Mat by Skip Hop has 17 developmental activities, and comes in a beautiful grey/pastel or green/brown.
Baby loves hanging in here after feeding, and playing with her little bird friends.
3. Woodland Forest Mobile
Our baby loves laying in her crib and watching her little animal friends go round and round above her.
We love our Woodland Whimsy Forest Animal Musical Mobile, which plays sweet lullabies as it spins. The soft shade of pink matches perfectly with our nursery too!
4. Woodland Animal Hangable Prints
Jazz up your walls with framed woodland animal prints! I was given this Woodland Print Set from Etsy for my shower, which has adorable creatures paired with sayings like “Be Wise” and “Be Silly.” Such a sweet little touch for our baby girl!
5. Wall Decals
Save money and skip the paint job with woodland animal wall decals! We went with this set from Amazon, which was super easy to install.
Best part? If you mess up or want to rearrange, the stickers come right off.
6. Hamper + Storage Bins
Since becoming a mom, we’ve never had so much dirty laundry! From poop explosions to spit-ups, we sometimes go through up to 3 outfits a day.
Thankfully we have this cute 3 Sprouts laundry bin and matching storage bins in hedgehog, owl and rabbit to look at when things get, well, crappy. We use the storage bins for books, toys and knick-knacks!
What theme did you go with for your nursery? What are your must-have items?