Mama, You are Doing a Better Job Than You Think

Mama, you are doing a better job than you think you’re doing.

The other night I spent 2+ hours in the kitchen preparing “Christmas Chicken,” rice, and homemade hummus (yes, I squeezed my own lemons and everything). Yes, it was epic.

And while one instagram picture may look like I’m “Suzy Homemaker” and have it all together, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, the day before I felt like a hot mess, and it was a mishmash of leftovers and frozen pizza. And you know what? That’s OK; you are still nourishing your family.

Some days you may feel like you’re totally rocking the working mom life, and other days you question what the heck you’re even doing. That’s OK too; you are doing your best.

There are times that #momlife looks like giggles, sweet kisses and picture-perfect baby + me days, and other times you’re lucky if you can squeeze in a shower, enjoy a hot cup of coffee or make it through the day without crying. Either way, you’re still a great mom.

You fit into your pre-pregnancy jeans one month postpartum? High five. You’re still carrying on the “baby weight” a year later (ahem, hello it’s me)? You rock too. Weight does not define you; Your body is amazing, period.

The thing is: Everyone has their own struggles and what you see in those holiday parenting magazines or on the ‘gram in those little squares is just a tiny glimpse into real life.

Bottom line? Do YOU and be kind.

Everyone’s working on their own stuff. And you are DOING A FREAKIN’ AMAZING JOB whether you roasted a chicken or had leftovers two days in a row.

The fact that you’re showing up is more than enough.

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