I’ve Been Diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes…This is How I’m Shifting My Perspective to Tackle It

{UPDATE: I diligently tested my blood sugars at home 4x a day with the glucometer and my numbers were perfect. I was officially cleared by my doc to stop testing. The diagnosis may have been a fluke after all — my inkling is that my body just couldn’t handle that crazy amount of sugar.}
“We’ll only call you if it’s bad news,” the midwife said after the dreaded one-hour glucose test.
Sure enough, I get a phone call yesterday afternoon — it was the OB office. “Hi Rachel, we’re calling regarding your glucose test…” I knew what was coming. “Unfortunately you did not pass.”
And then what I never expected to hear: “Your results were above the limit. You have gestational diabetes.”
My stomach dropped. I was in complete shock. “But how? I eat healthy! I don’t even like sweets!” I said through the headache I still had from yesterday’s forced sugar rush. The nurse explained to me that sometimes the healthiest women develop gestational diabetes, and it doesn’t necessarily have to do with WHAT I was eating but HOW my body processes the sugars in my food.
What came next was a blur but something about needing to prick myself with a needle 4x a day and attend an educational diabetic nutrition class. Woof.
This pregnancy hasn’t been the easiest, as I’ve navigated a low lying placenta (which has luckily resolved itself), a high blood pressure scare (which I’ve been able to safely monitor at home), and now this.
This little bump in the road is my reminder that I don’t have control over all the things, but I CAN control my mindset. And I have a choice of how I choose to perceive the news. I’m choosing to look at this as just another challenge to tackle, and will continue to trust in my body and the healthy little guy growing on the inside.
My mantras right now: “My body knows what to do.” “My baby is safe and healthy.” “I nourish my body with foods that support me.” I can do this.”
How do you handle unexpected news? What challenges did you/are you facing during your pregnancy?