3 Tools for a Blissful & Peaceful Holiday Season

While it may be the most wonderful time of the year, the holidays can also bring upon a mix of emotions. Whether you’re dealing with grief from a recent loss, anxiety around food or holiday shopping stress, here’s my three tried and true tools to bring more joy and bliss into the season.


It all starts with gratitude. Simply put, when we focus on what we’re grateful for, our life becomes more full. Challenge yourself to write down three things you are grateful for every day, and watch the abundance of blessings flow in.

Whether you enjoy writing in a gratitude journal, keeping a gratitude jar for your family or simply reflecting on your many blessings, try to make it a part of your daily routine.


The holidays are a great time to slow down and be here in the now! Soak up the taste of your favorite holiday foods (without guilt), pull an affirmation card to tune inward, take a brisk meditative walk outside or do a body scan.

If you’re feeling the urge to unplug from technology, this is also a great season to attempt doing a digital detox — an intentional break from social media.


Lastly, practice being more intentional with how you spend your time, and what you choose to give your energy to. Try setting a mini intention for your day each morning or you can also choose an intention to carry with you throughout the holiday season.

Simply quiet your mind and ask yourself how you want to feel this season. It could be a word, mantra or even a phrase such as “I choose calm.” There’s no reason to wait for the New Year to set your intention! Write it down and go back to your seasonal intention during moments of chaos (i.e. toddler meltdown during Christmas pictures).

Happy holidays!

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