4 Ways to Bring Your Intentions into the New Year

The New Year is upon us! If you’ve been around here a while, you know I’m not really a fan of the traditional goal setting or New Year’s resolutions. Rather, I prefer to set intentions.

The main difference: while goals and resolutions are typically based on a particular outcome, intentions are heart-centered and based upon how you want to feel. As we head into 2022, here are four simple ways to bring more intention into your new year — starting now.

4 Simple Intention Setting Exercises

1. Choose 3 Words

2. Turn to Your Affirmation Cards

3. Create a Morning Mantra

4. Make a Vision Board

1. Choose 3 Words

One of my all-time favorite New Year’s activities is choosing three words to carry into the year ahead. Spend some time reflecting on the energy you want to bring into 2022, simply asking yourself, “How do I want to feel?” Once you’re clear, write it down.

I’ve been doing this practice for the past five years or so, and it’s a game-changer when it comes to living with more intention. My words for 2022: impact, easygoing and in tune. Bring it on!

2. Turn to Your Affirmation Cards

If you’re struggling to come up with an intention for yourself, turn to your affirmation or oracle cards! I love using my Spark Your Bliss affirmation card deck to help clarify my intentions — not just for the new year but for starting my day as well!

Since the Spark Your Bliss deck includes 36 cards (each with a focus word, affirmation, journaling prompt and action steps), they make for a wonderful reflection tool to get your creative juices flowing. Grab your own deck here on Amazon!

3. Create a Morning Mantra

Do you have a morning ritual? Creating a daily mantra for yourself to recite in the morning is a wonderful way to infuse more intention into your day to day life.

Lately, I’ve been spending quiet time reflecting in meditation, journaling and then reciting my morning mantra: I am grateful, I am grounded, I am guided by what serves me. Consider coming up with your own mantra that speaks to you, and know that this may change throughout the year!

You can grab your own Spark Your Bliss journal here to start each day with intention & gratitude.

4. Make a Vision Board

Lastly, if you’re a visual person a vision board is going to be your best friend! Gather old magazines and start tearing out images, phrases and words that resonate with you. Paste them to a poster board or scrapbook paper to allow your visions to come to life! This is such a wonderful manifestation tool and visual reminder of what you’re calling in this year.

Happy intention setting, beauties!

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