Winter Mindfulness Activities: How to Create a Calm Down Box (for Kids and Their Parents)

Winter is here and with the cold weather, snow and school vacations, you’re likely spending more time indoors with your children. And soon enough, the cabin fever starts to creep in. After all, there’s only so many Disney movies, toddler tantrums and crafts you can handle. Trust me, I get it!
If you’re looking for a screen-free alternative to entertain your kids (while keeping the house calm), I’ve got you covered.
One of my go-to parenting hacks is creating a “Calm Corner” (also known as a Cozy Corner) in your home — a little space for you or your child to spend some quiet time simply being. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy; ours is a small closet-sized corner in our chalkboard room, and sometimes it’s just sitting quietly on the couch.
Once you’ve picked a spot for your “Calm Corner,” you can fill it with mindfulness tools to foster calm in the chaos. Today on the blog, I’m going to show you how to make your own “Calm Down Box” with your child.
How to Make a “Calm Down Box” with Your Kid

“Calm Down” boxes are wonderful to have on hand when you and your child need a moment to yourself. Here’s how to make one:
- Find a box, bucket or bag to fill with your calming supplies. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy!
- Instruct your child to fill their “box” with things that make them feel happy and calm. Depending on the age, you can help them out with this step 😉
- For kids, I like to include things like bubbles, calming arts & craft supplies (think: sensory kits, playdough, meditative coloring), favorite stuffed animals, a diary/journal, fidget toys, stress balls, books, mindfulness cards and tracing tools. (We LOVE these Mindful Maze Boards by Hand2Mind for encouraging breathing and self-soothing.)
- For adults, fill with anything that makes you feel peaceful and calm. Think: candles, incense, oracle/affirmation cards, a pen & journal, essential oils, music, eye pillow, adult coloring book, a feel-good novel or poetry book
- Turn off your TV and cellphones and spend some unplugged time doing your mindful activities together.
Remember, children feed off of our energy so a calm and centered grownup can encourage a calm and centered child.
Looking for more mindful activities? Check out my “Mindful & Magical Me” Kids Inspiration Deck, filled with 35 nature-based mindfulness cards for kids.