February is for Self-Love: Family-Friendly Ideas

The month of February is all about L-O-V-E, but let’s not forget about self-love too. Take a tip from our “Mindful & Magical Me” card of the month “The Bear” and love yourself first. Below I’m sharing some of my favorite kid-friendly ways to practice self-love!
Family-Friendly Ways to Practice Self-Love
- Self-Love Hugs: Give yourself a big bear hug and notice how it feels. Research even shows self-soothing touch can relieve stress. Win, win!
- Take a kids or family yoga class together!
- Make yourself a homemade sweet treat like these Chocolate Peanut Butter Date Bites.
- Rub your hands together to create feel-good energy. Can you place your hands on your belly or your heart? How does it feel?
- Practice positive affirmations like “I am smart,” “I am kind,” or “I am strong.” Can you create your own affirmation?
- Start a family gratitude jar by writing down something you’re grateful each day.
- Share something you love about yourself. What makes you special and unique?
- Respect your boundaries and know that it’s OK to say “NO.”
- Heart breathing: Bring your thumbs and pointer fingers together to create a heart shape. As you take a deep breath in, bring your hands to your heart to send yourself love and as as you breathe out bring your heart away from your body to send love to others!
Sending lots of love to you all!