My Date With a Foodie: Live and Learn

[picture courtesy of Bianca from Confessions of a Chocoholic]

Last night I hopped on a T to Harvard Square to go on my very first “Blogger Date.” For those of you who don’t dabble in the world of blogging and twitter, you make many “friends” by means of social media but don’t necessarily ever meet them in real life. You envision whether they’d be funny or mean or stuck up or gorgeous, and ponder about all the many topics you can chit-chat about. However, most often – at least for me – they remain my imaginary online friends. 

Last night was different. It was my very first real-life Blogger Date, and I am proud to say Bianca from Confessions of a Chocoholic was the one to take my meet-up V-Card. (thanks, Bianca!) She suggested Russel House Tavern, and I immediately agreed as I’d never been. A date with a foodie, winer, diner and chocolate expert? I was in good hands. Not to mention Bianca’s into health, yoga, traveling and balancing all of that together (boy, did we have a lot to talk about). 

However what I enjoyed most about the date was all that I learned. While we sure had a lot in common and could have talked each other’s ears off about dating and running, this Chocoholic-expert had a lot to teach this Healthy Chick. For one, while she may not talk about it a lot in her blog, Bianca is a fashion queen. Seriously. The girl knows how to dress, not to mention accessorize and do her makeup perfectly. As she talked about Saks Fifth Avenue and designer brands, I felt a little silly in my $10 leggings and no-brand shirt. But the sweetheart that she is told me I dressed well, and even offered to take me shopping if I ever needed help. Whoa, a personal shopper? Like What Not To Wear style? Sign me up! 

Besides her fashionable taste, Bianca is also a definite foodie, which I am most definitely not. Sure, I write about food from time to time and let my readers know the ins and outs of healthy, clean eating and easy-to-make, time-saving recipes. Heck, I even just self-published a recipe book. But don’t be fooled, I am no foodie. Sure, I eat hummus like it’s my job, know how to bake a mean salmon to perfection, and could eat sushi every night of the year, and probably tell you every place to get it in the city. 

But that does not make me a “foodie” by any means. Take last night for example. The waiter brought out a Crispy Soft Poached Chip-In Farm Egg, something that sounds completely bizarre to me and that I’d never order for an appetizer if I were on my own. However, after one bite I was in heaven, and now know why that’s one of Bianca’s favorite dishes. Creamy, crunchy and savory all at once. Seriously, I think I need to be more daring at restaurants from now on. 

Then there was the foie gras terrine. The what? As the waiter placed it gently down on the table, he announced what it was ever-so-pefectly then walked away. Bianca later said, “You know what that is, right?” and when I stared at her blankly she knew I was 100% clueless. Avacado spread? Some sort of cheese? I later learned that foie gras is made from duck or goose liver, and literally translates to “fatty liver.” Hey, we learn something new every day. Of course I tried it, and it wasn’t that bad at all. In fact, I had two bites. Look at me go…my inner-foodie is growing!

So while I wasn’t as adventurous with my main course (I ordered the Roasted Farm Chicken with mashed potatoes and thyme roasted carrots), I am proud to say I learned a lot on my first Blogger Date. It makes me appreciate all the people out there blogging, tweeting, writing, etc. because we can all learn so much from each other. So thank you Bianca for giving this non-foodie unfashionable chick some valuable lessons to remember!

Have you ever been on a Blogger Date? Where did you go? Do you consider yourself a “foodie”? 

6 Responses to “My Date With a Foodie: Live and Learn”

  1. Tweets that mention My Date With a Foodie: Live and Learn | Healthy Chicks -- Says:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Rachel Chemerynski, Rachel Chemerynski. Rachel Chemerynski said: lessons from a fashionable foodie > […]

  2. Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic Says:

    Aww you’re too sweet! The shopping offer is always open, just let me know when 😉

  3. Emily @ A Cambridge Story Says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog – and glad to know about your also. I love Russel House. It’s one of my go-to places for group dinners, drinks out and date nights. Glad you had fun and looking forward to reading more of your blog!

  4. Amanda Says:

    What a fun night! Thanks for sharing. I actually met an amazing group of DC bloggers before the holidays. One (oh-so-kind) blogger hosted a cookie swap at her house. It was a blast to finally meet everyone!

  5. healthychicks Says:

    Thanks Amanda…your DC blogger night sounds like a blast as well : ) Cookies & bloggers all in one room, must have been a good time!

  6. Amanda Says:

    It was so great. We ran out of flat space for cookies! I think our next get together is either going to be a wine tasting or clothing swap. It’s nice to finally start meeting people in this area with similar (almost identical actually) interests!

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