A Love Note to Moms: You Rock & are a #MomBoss

Dear mama,

Yup, I’m taking to you. In case you’ve been doubting yourself lately, here’s a simple reminder that you are totally, 100% rocking it. 

Whether you work full time or you’re a SAHM, you are enough. Maybe you put your kiddos in daycare, hire part-time help or stay home with your little one every day, but at the end of the day that choice is yours.

You may have one kid or five kids, a newborn or pre-schoolers, and you’re a total rockstar regardless. Being a mom is a lot of work. Maybe you breastfeed or formula feed, co-sleep or sleep in separate rooms, but only you know what’s best for you and your littles.

You lost all the “baby weight” in two weeks? High five! You still have a ways to go? You go girl! Your body is a freakin’ miracle. Whether you birthed at home or had a C-section or opted for an epidural or went med-free or adopted, it doesn’t matter. You matter.

If you managed to get to yoga class, cook a homemade meal and work your 9-5 job, you are superwoman. If the only thing you got done today is a hot shower, you are superwoman too. And it isn’t really the only thing you got done, anyway. You are raising a tiny human. 

To these kiddos, you are #momboss status for life. You’ve earned it, end of story. Remember that.

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