Happy Hump Day: Hiding Boys in Closets
It’s Wednesday, and you are almost over the hump! YAY! Here’s a silly story to hopefully make you giggle and get you through those last painful hours of the day…
Hump Day Lesson of the Day: When you need to quickly conceal a dude in your room, hide him in the closet (or spare room)*
*this post has been taken from my old blog “Girls on Guys”
So it was my sophomore year in college, family weekend. My parents and sister were to come down Friday afternoon to spend the weekend with me. Naturally, I still wanted to go out the night before they came, and knew that I’d have plenty of time to cure my hangover before they arrived. Well, I went out with a big group of friends, and brought the guy I was seeing at the time (we’ll call him Billy) back to my apartment with me, warning him that he’d have to leave the next morning before my family arrived.
Well, 8 a.m. rolls around and I hear my phone ringing. I wake up, all frazzled, hair a mess and scurry to find my phone, careful not to wake up snoring Billy next to me.
“Hi dad. . . you guys on your way?” (Just so you know, my family is from CT and I went to school in VA so the commute is 7.5, 8ish hours.
“RACHHH! We’re hereeeeeeeeeee!!!”
“WHAT?! Where?”
“We’re at your front dooooor. Come let us in. We were gonna come jump on you but your door’s locked!”
THANK GOD for that. Our door had been broken for quite some time, and unable to lock, and we had just gotten it fixed a few days before.
But back to reality. SHIT SHIT SHIT. My parents are at the front door and there’s a half naked dude in my BED.
Now my heart is really pounding. I shove Billy to wake him up. “Huh? What’s going on?”
“You need to get out. GET UP. Get out! My parents are here!”
“Well, where do I go?”
“Just grab your stuff and go in here!” I shouted to him, as I shoved him into our “spare room.” We had a “spare room” that year, which turned into our pet bunny rabbit Mosley’s room. It reeked of rabbit food and rabbit poop, and was stuffy and hot as hell, but it was my only option. THANK GOD for the spare room, I tell ya. To make it even funnier, what I didn’t know at the time was that my roommate had shoved the guy she was dating then in the Bunny Room as well early that morning. So there were two guys in their boxers shoved in one small room with a pet rabbit. Just picture it.
Anyway, I throw on a shirt and some pajama pants and rush to the front door, sweating and disheveled to greet my family, and put on my “be cool” act, giving out hugs left and right and telling them how happy I was that they had made it here so early. Really, in my head I wanted to die and I was prayinggg they wouldn’t take a “grand tour” of our apartment.
Luckily, my mom and dad offered to go get me some coffee at Starbucks, and left my sister with me alone for about half an hour.
I used this time wisely, and we released our guys and told them to leave quickly. The poor guys had no way of getting home, so they both walked down the road in the pouring rain, and called some friends to give them a ride. Watching them walk down the road from our porch was just priceless, I tell you. Priceless.
If you ever find yourself in a similar predicament, it works like a charm. I swear. Do you have any “hide the dude in my bed” stories? If so, please share. Could use some more laughs to brighten up this rainy Wednesday!
October 27th, 2010 at 12:25 pm
This is priceless, I love it. it’s like something out of a movie 🙂
October 27th, 2010 at 12:34 pm
Haha it really was a scene from a movie! More stories to come : )
October 27th, 2010 at 4:41 pm
This is hilarious!
Once when I was in high school, I was talking to my boy friend on the phone and he jokingly said he was coming over. And jokingly I told him “ok, sure!”… well, he actually came over and his friend left him while he was inside my house. (Mind you, it’s 1:20 in the morning, 2 high school kids in a room, not okay with my strict parents) Sure enough I hear a knock on my door… of course I freak out and had no time to throw him out the window (because I would have, to save both our lives.) So, instead I hide him in my closet. In no time, MY DAD comes in and insists I get off the phone! (Haha, I fooled my dad) Long story short… He goes to the living room and watches t.v… for about an hour and I eventually made my boyfriend crawl out the window.
Haha, I wasn’t taking any chances. I would probably STILL BE grounded if I would have gotten caught… or even dead!! Hehe, good times!
October 27th, 2010 at 4:47 pm
haha that’s a great story Heather! I never threw a guy out the window, that’s definitely a good story to tell : )