14-Day Fall Self Care Challenge: Reflect, Nourish & Get Grounded Through Food, Movement & Meditation
Even though it feels like summer, fall is officially here and I am so ready for a season of root veggies, change, connecting with our deeper selves, letting go and GROUNDING. (Oh how I love the grounding.) Our seasonal self-care challenge starts up again October 16th and you are so in for a treat. Think: sweet potato hash, turmeric smoothies, roasted pumpkin soup and allll the grounding exercises and meditations your little heart desires!
Just as the leaves change colors, it’s important for us to reflect on the things in our life that are working for us and those we’d like to let go of or “shed.”
Join myself & fellow Certified Health Coach / Yoga Guru Kelley Abatzis for a 14-day Fall Self Care Challenge focused on putting yourself 100% first for the magical season ahead.
1. Daily morning dose of positivity + clear action steps sent straight to your email (even better than your morning pumpkin spice latte!) with feel-good action-steps to implement right away throughout the two weeks.
2. Access to our private ‘Soul Sisters’ Facebook group to hold one another accountable – We’re a firm believer that the … Read More!