5 Quick Ways to Shift Your Energy this Winter

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Baby it’s cold outside, and while I highly dislike being cold, I don’t like stuck, stagnant energy even more. Feeling in a winter slump? Here are 5 quick ways to shift your energy this season!

1. Brisk Walk Outside

Get outside for a brisk walk in the cold! Soak in the sunshine and breathe in that fresh winter air.

2. Meditate Over Coffee

Pour yourself a hot cup of coffee, tea or cocoa and spend a few minutes in meditation. As you sip your drink, think of how you want to feel and set an intention for your day!

3. Holiday Dance Party

Pop on those holiday jams and shake it out! Dancing is a wonderful way to move stagnant energy through the body.

4. Freshen up Your Wardrobe

Give your winter wardrobe a seasonal refresh by purchasing a new item that feels good (and while you’re at it, toss something old that doesn’t feel good).

5. Play in the Snow

Play outside in the snow! Embrace your inner child by building a snowman, make a snow angel, or catch snowflakes on your tongue. … Read More!

A Magical Gingerbread Kids Yoga Adventure

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I’m beaming as I just taught a “Gingerbread Man” themed yoga class to 13 preschoolers this afternoon. And let me tell you — it was quite the adventure!

  • We practiced belly breathing while sipping “hot chocolate” followed by a “Hot Chocolate” Polar Express dance party to explore Mountain
  • We warmed up by sneaking past the gingerbread animals to escape the house!
  • Then we ventured off for a magical sleigh ride adventure through the park at night (where we spotted some horse, a tree with twinkly lights, stars in the sky, and more)
  • To end the class, we shook our worries out then rocked our beanie animal friends to sleep once we got back to the gingerbread house (for the sweetest savasana).

That moment witnessing 13 little ones laying still cuddled up with their animal friends made my heart so very full.

Here’s your reminder to embrace your inner child this weekend, BREATHE and have fun! Read More!

3 Simple Ways to Bring More Mindfulness to Your Kids Bedtime Routine

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Kids thrive on routines. From breakfast to bedtime, children like to know what’s going on. That’s why you’ll notice they even ask for the same shows over and over again. (Right now in our house it’s Curious George Christmas.)

Among all the routines, the bedtime routine is probably the most talked about in the parenting world. It’s a way for children to “wind down” before bed, and typically includes a mix of tubby time, lullabies/songs, books and good night kisses.

The other night, my 4-year-old daughter was a little worked up before bed — moody, whiny way overtired and on the verge of a meltdown, and all of our usual bedtime tricks simply weren’t cutting it.

Here are 3 simple steps we took to help calm her body and mind — infusing more mindfulness to her bedtime routine.

3 Mindful Bedtime Tips for Children

Breathing: As Danielle Tiger always says, “When you feel so mad that you want to roar, take a deep breath and count to four.” Deep breathing is a wonderful way to help regulate our emotions.

However, sometimes when I encourage my kids to take a deep breath I am met with resistance. Before bed … Read More!

What is your soul calling you to do? {My Aha Moment from a Women’s Retreat}

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I went away on a women’s spiritual/business retreat two weekends ago, which was truly transformational and life-changing. It’s hard to put into words exactly what I experienced while there, but I will try.

Before I embarked on this journey, I asked for clarity and boy did I get it. On the first day, while sitting in a field amongst 75 women in ceremony, I had a major a-ha moment. We were in a deep guided meditation, where I was shown different versions of ME standing in a cave — literally every version of my former self flashed upon my eyes (the me struggling with body image, getting my footing in Boston, going off to college) but the central focus was on 5-year-old Rachel, me as a child.

An old, wise woman then came into the cave and brought us all together for a nurturing motherly hug, then grabbed my hand and whispered into my ear, “You are meant to be working with children,” then she turned back and said “Remember, never lose your sparkle.”

After those words were spoken, a light lit up within me. I visualized myself surrounded by children, animals and magic. I saw dolphins dancing in the … Read More!

Healthy Chicks Grilled Chicken Burrito Bowls

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During the summer, we like to grill out as much as possible. There’s just nothing like that fresh grilled taste during the sweet summertime. Don’t you agree?

Take a break from the usual burgers and dogs with this healthy and refreshing take on your favorite Mexican burrito! Made with tender grilled chicken, rice, greens and all the fixings, this salad is made for summer nights.

Healthy Chicken & Rice Burrito Bowls

What you need:

  • 1 lb chicken
  • 1 lime
  • olive oil
  • your favorite poultry seasoning blend
  • ~1 c. cooked rice (I use Tasty Bite Organic pre-cooked Basmati for ease)
  • 8 oz. black beans
  • Package mixed greens, chopped (We love Little Leaf Farms but any greens will do)
  • 2 avocados
  • 1 clove garlic, crushed
  • sea salt
  • Toppings: guacamole, salsa, sour cream, shredded Mexican cheese to your liking
  1. Marinate the chicken with olive oil, juice of 1/2 lime, and your favorite poultry seasoning. Store in fridge for at least a couple hours.
  2. Grill chicken until cooked through, and set aside.
  3. In the meantime, mix the cooked rice with black beans and sea salt to taste.
  4. Prepare your own simple guacamole topping with avocados, garlic, sea salt and remaining lime juice.
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5 Amazon Finds for the Mindful Mama Under $20 (Including Prime Day Deals)

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It’s Prime Day, and I wanted to share some of my favorite Amazon finds perfect for the mindful mama. From our go-to fair-trade coffee to a clean lip balm I can’t live without, here are five Amazon products under $20 I’m loving right now.

This page contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

For Your Morning Pick-Me-Up: Kicking Horse Dark Roast Coffee

Hubby and I are big coffee drinkers — and when you’ve got two little toddlers running around it’s a morning must. Our latest favorite is Kicking Horse Coffee, which we originally discovered in our Thrive Market box.

Their coffee is organic, fair trade and comes in several delicious blends. Their Grizzy Claw Dark Roast is dark & decadent with notes of dark chocolate, and is sure to get the job done for your wake-me-up fix!

Buy on Amazon here (20% off for Prime Day)

For Daily Positive Affirmations: Spark Your Bliss Deck

Need a mindset shift or some more positive vibes in your life? I’ve got the perfect self-care tool for you! While it’s not an official Prime Day deal, my very own Spark Your Bliss affirmation card deck is 10% off … Read More!

Healthy Chicks in the Community: Meet Intuitive Guide Sonya Berrien

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When life feels heavy, you feel stuck, or things feel a little “off,” one thing I always go back to is listening to my intuition — that inner knowing, that gut feeling, that little voice inside you saying “it’s going to be OK.”

These past few years, I’ve been leaning into trusting, listening and developing that intuitive connection with myself — and I encourage other women to do the same. I truly believe it’s where the majority of our feminine power lies.

Speaking of developing your intuition, I’m so excited for this month’s Healthy Chicks in the Community spotlight, Intuitive Guide Sonya Berrien. I met Sonya through the Spark Your Bliss community, and I’ve always been in awe by her ability to be so very tuned in — not just with herself but with the collective energy.

In this inspiring interview, we chat with Sonya about her powerful role as an Intuitive Guide, how you can practice expanding your intuitive awareness and why she can’t live without her meditation practice. I’ll let Sonya take it away from here!


Heart led, Embodied, Adventurer


My work … Read More!

4 Inspiring Oracle & Affirmation Card Decks for Women to Buy on Amazon

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If you’ve been around here for a while, you know I’m a big fan of positive affirmation cards and oracle card decks. Heck, I even created my own deck!

While affirmation cards are a go-to tool to help shift your perspective and bring in more positive energy, oracle cards are great to lean on for additional guidance and support when you’re seeking clarity. Both have their purpose, and over the years I’ve gathered a little collection of my own decks.

Here are four inspiring oracle and affirmation card decks for women you can grab on Amazon!

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1. Spark Your Bliss Deck

My go-to deck for daily affirmations is my own baby, the Spark Your Bliss Deck! This small but mighty deck is packed with 36 vibrant affirmations designed to set your soul on fire. Not only does each card include a focus word and affirmation to recite, but also a journaling prompt and supporting action steps to reflect on. Get ready to infuse your day with positivity and spark your bliss!

Purchase on Amazon for $19.99

2. Work Your Light Oracle Deck

The Work … Read More!