This past weekend, I hosted a mini women’s circle to gather in nature, unplug and connect with one another. It so happened to fall on the full moon eclipse, which was perfect for the theme of our circle — in letting go to create more space for the new.
Personally, I had been feeling very foggy and “stuck in the mud” recently, and based on feedback from the collective it seems I was not alone in these feelings. It got me thinking about how lotus flowers grow from the mud — and that in order for us to bloom and get to the other side we first need to grow through the muck. The ugly. The sludge.
The beauty of it is that once we release that which isn’t serving us, we can come out the other side as a truer version of ourselves…as the lotus flower. After a brief discussion around this theme, we spent some time journaling out a very simple yet potent prompt: What are you clinging onto that you’re ready to release?
We then took part in an exercise where we chose an item to represent something we were ready to let go of…and we … Read More!
If you’ve been around here for a while, you know that when it comes to health I take a mind, body soul approach. In fact, I firmly believe that health starts with how you fuel your mind. The rest is just the icing on the cake (which BTW, you should totally eat if you want).
With May being Mental Health Awareness month, now’s a great time to check in with yourself (and your loved ones) on how you’re feeling…like truly feeling.
And if you need support whether it’s through therapy, meeting up with your best friend in person for coffee + deep conversations, or some restorative self-care time, don’t ever hesitate to give yourself that extra TLC.
In honor of Mental Health Awareness, for the entire month of May I’m offering 10% off all Spark Your Bliss Affirmation Card Decks on both Amazon and Etsy plus sneaking in a bonus feel-good sticker with all Etsy orders as a reminder to be kind to your mind.
Know that you matter today and always. … Read More!
In my 20s I worked at a fancy little bakery in Boston serving up cappuccinos, treats + paninis. I was never trained on how to make a latte pretty and it was too fast paced for my vibe, but they liked me because I was friendly.
I lasted 2 weeks before I quit but I remember those days like it was yesterday — particularly opening up the bakery at 5am with “Mushaboom” by Feist playing loudly over the speakers. With tired eyes, I remember inhaling the strong scent of espresso as I flipped over the tables — daydreaming about my future.
I didn’t realize it at the time, but those lyrics were so fitting. “It may be years until the day my dreams will match up with my pay”
I worked so, SO many jobs in between then and now.
Receptionist (at a gym and a spa) Event planner Dog walker Social media specialist Copywriter Health Coach Freelance writer Marketing manager
Through it all, never would I have ever imagined the life I’ve created for myself now.
Married with two kiddos. Having our own home sweet home in Connecticut. Running women’s circles. Creating my own affirmation card deck + products. … Read More!
I’ve always been super tuned in with energy — I feel things on a deep level and I’m highly intuitive. Fun fact: I had a vivid dream of my nephew’s name (Grayson) before my sister even announced it.
I also love energy work. I’ve experienced reiki, energy healings, yoga, acupuncture, chakra balancing and more.
Anyway, for the past several years I’ve been considering diving deeper into this energy work through reiki, and this past winter finally got the nudge that now is the time.
Through the past few months I’ve done a deep dive into the world of reiki and I’m over the moon to announce that I am now officially Reiki I and II attuned.
What the heck is reiki, anyway?
Put simply, we’re all made up of energy and energy is all around us — it’s everywhere. Reiki is a form of energy healing to help support and balance the body, on both a physical and emotional level (through gentle touch or distance healing). In fact, studies have shown reiki to benefit both physical and psychological health.
My journey with reiki has been such an eye opening experience and I’m so excited to begin sprinkling it … Read More!
With the state of the world and the coming of a seasonal shift, the energy has been A LOT lately. It’s filled with ebbs + flows, ups + downs, and highs + lows. The really big stuff and the little everyday ‘mundane’ things can all feel like a lot.
Do you feel it too?
If you’re feeling a bit stuck in the mud right now, here’s your reminder that you’re not alone. Be it career advancement, processing your emotions, financial stuff or spiritual growth, we all grow on our own time.
It’s not always pretty.
It’s not always linear.
It certainly isn’t always easy.
And guess what? When you feel stuck and uncomfortable, that my friend is growth.
So wherever you are in your journey, take some time today to celebrate where you’re at right now, here in this moment.… Read More!
The New Year is upon us! If you’ve been around here a while, you know I’m not really a fan of the traditional goal setting or New Year’s resolutions. Rather, I prefer to set intentions.
The main difference: while goals and resolutions are typically based on a particular outcome, intentions are heart-centered and based upon how you want to feel. As we head into 2022, here are four simple ways to bring more intention into your new year — starting now.
4 Simple Intention Setting Exercises
1. Choose 3 Words
2. Turn to Your Affirmation Cards
3. Create a Morning Mantra
4. Make a Vision Board
1. Choose 3 Words
One of my all-time favorite New Year’s activities is choosing three words to carry into the year ahead. Spend some time reflecting on the energy you want to bring into 2022, simply asking yourself, “How do I want to feel?” Once you’re clear, write it down.
I’ve been doing this practice for the past five years or so, and it’s a game-changer when it comes to living with more intention. My words for 2022: impact, easygoing and in tune. Bring it on!
The holiday season is here at last! As you work on finishing up the last of the Thanksgiving leftovers, you may as well get some holiday shopping done at home in your fave stretchy yoga pants.
Here’s a roundup of 8 feel-good holiday gift ideas for all the fabulous women on your list — from your children’s teachers to your BFF — all spreading mindfulness, wellness and self-love. Enjoy!
Organic Bath Co. Body Butter Discovery Set
The women in your life deserve to be pampered…and when they do, it should be with luxurious, clean products. Organic Bath Co. checks off all of the boxes — whipping up simple products to nourish your skin while practicing self-love out of their headquarters in Charlestown, MA.
Scoop up their Body Butter Self Discovery, which includes four travel-sized body butters — one for each of your besties — in all their scents (PeaceFULL is my favorite).
From your college daughter who’s heading home for the holidays to the ladies in your mom group, my very own Spark Your Bliss affirmation card deck is versatile enough to bring joy and positivity to any & every … Read More!
While it may be the most wonderful time of the year, the holidays can also bring upon a mix of emotions. Whether you’re dealing with grief from a recent loss, anxiety around food or holiday shopping stress, here’s my three tried and true tools to bring more joy and bliss into the season.
It all starts with gratitude. Simply put, when we focus on what we’re grateful for, our life becomes more full. Challenge yourself to write down three things you are grateful for every day, and watch the abundance of blessings flow in.
Whether you enjoy writing in a gratitude journal, keeping a gratitude jar for your family or simply reflecting on your many blessings, try to make it a part of your daily routine.
The holidays are a great time to slow down and be here in the now! Soak up the taste of your favorite holiday foods (without guilt), pull an affirmation card to tune inward, take a brisk meditative walk outside or do a body scan.
If you’re feeling the urge to unplug from technology, this is also a great season to attempt doing a digital detox — an intentional break from … Read More!