Hump Day Lesson of the Day: On Weather Shock

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I am going through a phase of weather shock, and it’s absolutely terrible.

I mean, when you go from this:

to this:

…it takes some getting used to. OK the second picture is a bit of an exaggeration as it was taken during the blizzard two months ago. But STILL it SNOWED the other day and we’re expecting 3 inches tonight. It’s the end March, for goodness sake! And I get it, I get it. I shouldn’t complain because at least I had my week of fun and am all tan and shit. But let me tell you: it doesn’t make the adjustment any easier.

So while yes, a vacation to Florida (or the Bahamas or Mexico or whatever floats your boat) sounds enticing – as it is – you must be prepared to pay the consequences upon your return. And if you don’t have any warm, fun vacations coming up, you can laugh at all your friends who get a bad case of the Weather Shock. It aint good.… Read More!