Q & A With Skinnygirl Rockstar Bethenny Frankel
Skinnygirl fans, you are in luck! This week, in conjunction with OpenSky , I was given the opportunity take a look inside the life of the superwoman Bethenny Frankel. Ever since I read Bethenny’s book Naturally Thin, I have been hooked as she and I have a lot in common when it comes to eating well and listening to your body. Not only is she an incredible author, TV celebrity, mother and successful businesswoman, but she is also hilarious and extremely blunt which I love.
Take a peak at how amazing this woman is for yourself in her interview with OpenSky below. Enjoy!
You’re a new TV host, Founder of Skinnygirl, 4 time NY Times best selling author and chef, but if you had to describe yourself beyond that to someone, what would you say?
Well, I’m most definitely a businessperson, but I’m most proud of being a mother. Ever since I had Bryn, I make all my decisions based on what’s best for her so that’s how I define myself first now.
It seems like everybody’s biggest challenge for living a healthy lifestyle is time. What’s one simple thing time-starved women can fit into their day to live a healthier lifestyle?
What I tell women is there’s no way you can be the best mother, the best wife and the best businessperson if you’re running yourself ragged!
The best thing you can do to keep healthy is to keep hydrated. Even if you have one hand on your blackberry, your baby bouncing on your lap and your ear on a conference call, you can still manage a few quick swigs of water. I even struggle with it personally because I don’t love water, but your body needs it to detox and to keep things moving if you know what I mean. So my alternative is knocking back club soda.
Summer’s here so we’re all thinking about baring more skin. Can you share one of your best secrets for getting a more toned body?
There’s honestly no secret. I believe in watching what you eat and exercise in moderation. Otherwise you go on one of these crash weight-loss regimens and you give up by Day 4. You can’t keep it up! And then you end up beating yourself up. If I eat a burger for lunch, I’ll have a salad for dinner. If I don’t have time to do 40 minutes of yoga, I’ll take the stairs instead of the elevator or park a little further away and walk a little extra. Moderation is key.
With your incredibly busy schedule, how do you find the time to cook at home?
My schedule is crazy but I always make it a point to make Bryn a home-cooked meal every day. I started out in catering so cooking is what I enjoy. And I swear, it’s easy…as long as you make it easy. Don’t say you’re going to make beef Wellington and a baked Alaska for a weekday dinner with the hubby—make turkey burgers and 30-minute brownies instead.
What are a few easy tips for gradually moving toward a healthier lifestyle?
The easiest way to start is to get rid of all those processed foods in your kitchen. If it’s not there, you can’t eat it. Fill your fridge with real food instead. If you really need those potato chips, buy chips that are the most natural. (Hint: Check the ingredient list and it’ll be the one with the least ingredients.) If you really need that booze, make a Skinnygirl cocktail so you’re not downing all those calories.
With all of these extraordinary experiences on your resume, what made you decide to work with OpenSky as your next move?
I love giving women practical solutions that can make their lives a bit easier. It’s like having boozy brunch with my girlfriends and talking out our problems. But OpenSky is a way to bridge that gap between recommending something great and giving my fans a way to actually buy it.
What kinds of products and advice can your fans expect to see you offer on OpenSky?
Well, you definitely won’t get recipes for cardboard chicken. I mean I want you to actually like healthy living. I’m planning on showing you practical products and awesome tips that you can actually use in your day-to-day routine… And some of my Skinnygirl favorites, naturally.
I send a big thank you to OpenSky and Bethenny for making this interview possible. Hope you enjoyed!

July 10th, 2012 at 3:13 pm
Great interview, Rachel!! Congratulations. I LOVE Bethenny and share the same beliefs as well.
July 13th, 2012 at 4:01 pm
@Bianca Glad we share the same thoughts when it comes to living a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Hope you are having an amazing summer…we should catch up soon 🙂