Be Imperfect: Stop, Slow Down & Breathe
You know when you get so caught up in life that you forget to just pause and breathe? Well, I was having one of those weeks. In between training for a half marathon, working, starting my own business, planning for my event tonight and MOVING (tomorrow!) things got a little crazy, needless to say.
So yesterday I decided to break my perfect go-go-go routine and simply be, imperfect that is.
Instead of forcing myself to go a training run when my body was saying “please, no!”I packed. A lot. I cleaned the entire kitchen, put stuff into storage and got my room ready for the move out. Cleaning and packing felt surprisingly refreshing.
Instead of working another three hours on blog/business stuff, I treated myself to a massage from Exhale Spa. I don’t remember the last time I felt so relaxed. I literally melted into the massage table.
Instead of rehearsing for my event (even when I know I do best when I act naturally and don’t plan), I decided to be BAD and go shopping for a dress for a friend’s wedding this weekend. I got the most adorable purple dress that I feel like a Pretty Princess in, even if I may have spent a little more than I had wished. I deserved it.
Instead of making a gourmet, fancy dinner, I ate what my body wanted: a leafy green salad packed with veggies, nuts, tuna, balsamic and olive oil with a piece of homemade garlic bread on the side. It was simple, but it was enough.
This week I encourage you to be a little bad, to break your routine or to just say “no.” Go ahead, be imperfect.
I’m off to go get the keys to my new apartment (eek!) Things are really happening. Also, wish me luck. Tonight, I will be speaking at Soul Train Yoga Studio in front of a group of healthy living bloggers. Hope to see some of you there!
What are ways you could be a little more imperfect this week?

August 30th, 2012 at 1:35 pm
Girl — I so needed this reminder today!!! Thank you a bajillion times over. <
August 30th, 2012 at 2:53 pm
@Jess Of course, we’re always on the same page! Glad this post was able to resonate with you ; )
August 30th, 2012 at 4:45 pm
YES!! BE IMPERFECT! or as I like to put it – perfectly imperfect. Glad you cut yourself some slack and ahhhh moving in together, getting the keys, awesome awesome!!! I just realized a year ago this past weekend was when M and I moved in together <3