Tuesday Talk: Motivation
Good morning ladies! I hope you are all safe and dry from the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Fortunately, the worst of it for me is losing power for a few days so I can’t really complain, but I’m praying for those whose homes have been flooded or destroyed.
I’m running out of power on my laptop, currently writing at Daybreak Coffee House (where I was pleased to run into the lovely Cait from Cait Plus Ate who is just the most bubbly, friendly girl!) This will have to do as my “office” for now, which I don’t mind AT ALL because this Pecan Roast & Vegetarian Egg Sandwich on sourdough is totally hitting the spot.
Anyway, I wanted to talk about a rather popular topic today on Healthy Chicks: motivation. That is, how to stay motivated even during those realllllllyyyy tough times.
Here are some tips to get you inspired, whether you need motivation to run that race or simply get out of bed an hour earlier!
1. First and foremost, you need to have a purpose. If you’re struggling to stay on a healthy diet and exercise regimen, ask yourself “Why do I want to eat well and exercise?” Is it to lower your cholesterol? Is it so you can stay healthy for your kids? Is it so you can get in shape to run that first half marathon? Are you doing it to squeeze into those skinny jeans you’ve been keeping in the back of your closet for years? What is your “Why?” Make it specific. Instead of “So I can lose 10 pounds,” make it “So I can lose 10 pounds in order to reach my pre-baby weight and feel good about shopping for clothes again. ” You see? Find your purpose.
2. Don’t Let Slip-Ups Bring You Down. OK, so you had a brownie even though you “gave up” desserts. Woop-dee-doo. Instead of eating five more brownies, a piece of pizza and your weight in guilt, take control of your slip-up and move on. Because in reality, it’s just one tiny mistake which you can totally work your way out of damage-free. Chug some water, go for a walk and move on with it. We’re only human after all, so don’t try to be perfect. Instead, try to do the best you can do. Remember that if you’re living a healthy lifestyle most of the time, a treat here and there isn’t going to destroy your progress. Rather, guilt and pity parties is what destroys your success. Don’t let this get the best of you!
3. On that note, Don’t Diet! That’s right, I said it: You do not need to diet to lose weight. In fact, I am 100% against dieting because most diets call for some sort of restriction which makes you miserable which then makes you want to eat everything in your cabinet which then makes you guilty. And as you know, guilt is the worst feeling of all. Rather than going on the Cabbage Soup Diet or the South Beach Diet or the Flat-Abs diet, just make a promise to yourself that you’re going to eat well. What does eating well mean? To me, that means whole, clean, REAL foods. Lots of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, organic meats, local food, and things that don’t come from packages. Also, replace one can of soda a day with a large glass of water. Next week, try two. You get the picture.
4. While this may sound counterintuitive, try to focus on the Little Picture. Instead of trying to be the BEST, run the farthest and eat PERFECTLY, shoot for little goals. Remember, Small changes = Big results.
5. Remember to Have Fun: No matter what goal you’re trying to achieve, if you aren’t having fun with it, you aren’t going to get anywhere. Make it enjoyable! Start a walking group with your girlfriends, take turns making healthy meals with your roommate, get your husband on board, experiment with new recipes, or buy a really bright-colored workout outfit that you feel amazing in. Do whatever it takes to keep things fun and new!
What do you do to stay motivated? Share your tips in the comment section!

October 30th, 2012 at 1:21 pm
These are great tips, Rachel! All things that I have tried to keep in mind throughout my health journey.
It was so wonderful to meet you 🙂 just FYI, the link that you used to my blog is broken!
October 30th, 2012 at 1:26 pm
@cait oh no…it’s fixed now 🙂 Loved meeting you! Such a small world!
October 31st, 2012 at 9:46 am
LOVE this. I absolutely agreeeeee with every single one of these. I actually used to fall into EVERY one of these traps a few years ago and it would kill me every time. My self confidence would dip so low — I was being SUCH a “mean girl” to myself, you know? Instead of realizing that I’m not perfect, that it’s ok to have a slip-up now and then and have it NOT ruin your whole day or your best of intentions, and to remember to have as much fun as possible while staying fit and healthy too. It CAN be done, am I right?? PS I SO wish I got to meet you guys at that coffee shop!! So jealous!
November 1st, 2012 at 3:53 pm
@Jess So glad you enjoyed the post, Jess. I can totally relate to being a “mean girl” to yourself. Love how you put that!
November 2nd, 2012 at 3:57 pm
SO true! I love these tips. Again, on the same wavelength, completely. These were also my traps to myself, and I never want to fall into them again. They are the worst! Great great post!
October 8th, 2014 at 8:16 pm
This is a really good tip particularly to those new to
the blogosphere. Short but very precise info… Many thanks for sharing this one.
A must read post!
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