I am… {A Lesson from Gabrielle Bernstein}
Yesterday, I was sitting at the coffee shop listening to Ingrid Michaelson, writing my little heart away and catching up on some work. I was feeling good…I was in a happy place.
However, I’m the first to admit that things aren’t always happy, sparkling and wonderful. While I like to think of myself as a very positive person (in fact my friend Meg referred to me as Her Sunshine) I too go through struggles, or “rough patches” I like to call them. In fact, I’ve been going through one of those rough patches for the past couple weeks and most of that comes from doubt.
I don’t like the Rachel I am when I’m negative and doubtful, but I’m also beginning to recognize that it’s OK to have bad days and not be sun-shiny, happy ALL. THE. TIME.
That’s why when the beautiful Heather* over at For the Love of Kale recommended the book May Cause Miracles: A Guidebook of Subtle Shifts for Radical Change and Unlimited Happiness by spiritual guru Gabrielle Bernstein, I jumped right on board. (*Note: Heather is also hosting a book club over on her blog if you’d like to jump in too!) I knew it was just the read I needed to clear my mind of all that negative self-doubt crap to move forward with the wonderful me that I am.
After I purchased the book, I was immediately sent a special Early Bird package from Gabby herself, including inspirational recorded live lectures, interviews, and guided meditations. You bet I’ve been sitting at my laptop all morning soaking everything in!
One thing that Gabby said that really stood out to me is: Our capacity to create is who we are. When good (or bad) things start happening to us, our energy has a part in that. She gave a great example of those who make vision boards (um, I’m totally one of them!) and think it was the vision board that fixed everything and started making your life better, when really it’s something deeper. According to Gabby, we have the power to create the life we want right now; it’s just stuck behind negative energy blockers and needs to be unleashed.
In her lecture, Gabby said to dig deep and realize what it is you really want, and then instead of doubting or coming up with an excuse really believe in it. Believe that you already are everything you need to be. She gave an example of a woman who really wanted her book to get published, so every day she’d meditate on her book and say “I’m published. I’m published. I’m published.” She then got a call from a publisher saying “I don’t know why I’m calling you right now, but there was just something about your book. It was just screaming “Publish me.”
Powerful stuff, huh?
So today, I am vowing to let go of any doubt and focus on what it is that I intend to be, what it is that I already have the capacity to be. Here goes…
I am…
I am calm.
I am de-cluttered.
I am financially free.
I am in control of my life.
I am helping 20-something women feel confident & pretty in their own bodies.
I am ever-so-creative.
I am a (published) wellness writer.
I am changing the lives of others.
I am worthy.
I am deserving of success.
I am at peace with myself and others.
I am me.
I urge all of you to do the same exercise. What is it you want to be, or more importantly what is it that you already are, but may be having trouble getting past the blockages holding you back? Finish the sentence. I am…
Note: If you are intrigued, you can purchase May Cause Miracles on Amazon today for only $13.

January 3rd, 2013 at 1:49 pm
YOU ARE A MIRACLE WORKER! This post is beautiful, babe. xo Sending you love and blessings.
January 3rd, 2013 at 1:51 pm
@Heather Thank YOU for sharing this with me. I can’t wait to follow along on your blog as we read the book together!! xoxoxo
January 3rd, 2013 at 3:56 pm
i totally LOVE gabby and can’t wait to get ‘a course in miracles’! her book ‘spirit junkie’ and her other teachings (and heather!) have gotten me through plenty of periods of self doubt and unhappiness caused by the ego. gabby’s teachings make me feel empowered and i’m so glad to have another friend to chat about them with!
January 3rd, 2013 at 4:33 pm
LOVE this message. Man I’m getting SUCH inspiration all over the place in bloggy land this week. I DIG your words today my friend. Especially this part: “Believe that you already are everything you need to be.” It’s true — 95% of the battle is simply BELIEVING that you are enough, worthy, and ready to tackle whatever it is you want to tackle in life…and then some. I have really focused lately on striking the right balance between who I ‘need’ to be and who I ‘want’ to be and making the both work in harmony. It’s helped me to get to a much happier place than I was even a year ago. And half of that has been believing that it’s possible. And then getting after it. GREAT post.
January 3rd, 2013 at 4:46 pm
@Caitlin Yes, we can chitchat about it anytime! I love talking about these kinds of things with other women – – we’re all going through similar “stuff” and it feels so good letting it out!
January 3rd, 2013 at 4:48 pm
@Jess I totally feel you on inspirational bloggy land this week. Seriously, some powerful stuff out there! I too am really trying to focus on what I DO have, and that I AM enough…as is. This alone leads to brilliant things!
January 3rd, 2013 at 6:58 pm
AM is powerful! And you’ll appreciate this from December 2011. 🙂 Great minds… I tell ya!
January 3rd, 2013 at 7:16 pm
@Sara Buddy!! I love, love love this! Great minds is right 🙂 I made a list today too of other things I HAVE: a loving boyfriend, an apartment (even though it’s small), $ even though it’s not a lot, a supportive & loving family, a blog where I can share my thoughts & knowledge with others, Passion, a sister etc. etc. helps a lot!
January 4th, 2013 at 3:37 pm
Wow, I LOVE this message so much! The mind is a powerful thing and it has to believe before your actions follow suit sometimes, ya know? I LOVE that pic of you btw!
January 4th, 2013 at 8:49 pm
@jobo Thank you 🙂 The pic was taken at the beach on the Cape during the beginning of fall – such a lovely, care-free day!
January 23rd, 2013 at 5:59 pm
[…] breathing & meditation (I have Gabby Bernstein to thank for […]
January 29th, 2013 at 6:52 pm
[…] have Gabrielle Bernstein and her book May Cause Miracles to thank for this new mindset, but most of that thanks goes to me […]