Baby is Half Baked: My Pregnancy Update + a Look Inside My Second Trimester
Hello beauties! I’m excited to tell you that baby Ski is officially “half baked” — and as long as a banana — as today marks 20 weeks pregnant. These weeks have truly gone by fast, and what people say is true: the 2nd trimester is definitely much more enjoyable (at least compared to the first trimester).
This morning we woke up bright and early for our 20-week anatomy scan and baby is as healthy as can be. We also got to find out the sex of the baby (which we’ll announce soon after we tell family).
Today on the blog, I’m sharing an inside look at the second trimester thus far — including kicks, cravings and everything in between!
While I didn’t have many cravings my first trimester since the nausea was intense, I’m now back to loving food again! Once I hit week 16, my appetite kicked it up 1,000 notches. I started craving anything and everything especially cheeseburgers, french fries, pizza, salads and potatoes — all of which I happily enjoyed. In fact, I’ve gone back twice to one of my favorite childhood dives for crinkle-cut fries!
I’m also being sure to include lots of healthy fats like avocados, fish, coconut oil and olive oil. Bone broth has also been a favorite for nutrients, which I get from local company Five Way Foods.
Fortunately, I don’t really have any aversions anymore, so vegetables, eggs and meat are now back on my list! I also got my coffee taste buds back, so I enjoy a small cup a few times a week with some coconut or almond milk.
As I mentioned in my first trimester recap, I got hit with morning sickness…hard. Everyone told me it’d let up around week 12 or 13, but mine lasted until closer to week 18 with daily vomiting up until week 15. Yes, I was sick for almost three months straight! While it did start to let up a bit around week 15, it didn’t fully go away until two weeks ago and I’ve been in the clear ever since.
However, ironically this morning I had to chug 32 oz. of water for a “full bladder” ultrasound, which I ended up throwing up almost immediately. I blame the empty stomach and fact that chugging water — or anything — while pregnant is just never a good idea.
While I was super exhausted for the first 12 weeks, I now have my energy back and no longer need my daily nap! Don’t get me wrong, I’m no party animal either and typically go to bed around 9 or 9:30pm.
Most of my other irritating symptoms have gone away, although I do have this weird burpy/reflux feeling in my throat. It almost feels like a constant need to burp, with annoying gurgling in my throat. If only I could just do a giant burp and get this over with!
Another weird symptom was at the beginning of my second trimester I started having an intense burning pain in my upper back, which felt kind of like gas or acid reflux but in my back. My doctor had me get tested for kidney stones to be sure it was nothing serious, but I ended up being A-OK and it went away shortly after! The doctor guessed that it was likely from the strain I put on my back from all the throwing up. (He was probably right!)
There were so many happy moments so far this trimester! One of the best was feeling baby kick for the first time. I first felt flutters around week 16, and they started being more obvious “pokes” around week 18. Last week I started feeling them more regularly especially when I lay down, and hubby got to feel baby move for the first time last weekend! The kicks make it so much more real, and I’ve even started singing to baby at night since he/she can now hear my voice.
Another incredible moment was today’s anatomy scan, where they went through every single body part. The little feet were my favorite. I’m happy to announce that baby is as healthy as can be, measuring in at 12 oz. in the 65th percentile!
We had the tech print out a photo with the gender and put it in an envelope, and hubby and I opened it in private afterward at our favorite cafe. It was such a special moment! We’re going to tell our families this weekend…and then you’ll find out soon!
I didn’t have too many bad moments this trimester so far! However, while my nausea began to let up slightly around week 15, I started getting super sensitive to smells and backseat driving. This meant I threw up in a Dunkin Donuts cup, Whole Foods bathroom, cardboard box in the back of a car, and two snow banks! Oh the joys of pregnancy.
Since I was so sick throughout the first trimester and beyond, I actually lost 8 pounds early on! I’m happy to report that I have now gained back the weight, plus an additional 2 pounds so I’m officially growing. I was told from here on out I’m expected to gain about a pound a week, so we’ll see what happens. I’m not worried about “gaining weight” at all…I’m growing a freakin’ human after all.
I am absolutely loving watching my bump grow, and have officially “popped” as they say!
That’s all for now! Stay tuned for more updates including our announcement of the sex. What do you think…boy or girl?