Slowing Down & Nourishing My Body with Godai Soaps {5 Elements Natural, Organic Soap Bars}

Did you choose a word or a theme for 2019? With some thought and meditation, the word I chose to represent the new year is flow.

2018 was a year of growth for me — I grew a baby, I grew my business, I grew into this new role as a mama. It also felt a little cluttered, like hair in a messy bun while typing invoices while simultaneously trying to feed the baby before my coffee gets cold cluttered.

This year, my intention is for things to flow more freely — money, new friendships, this beautiful life as a new mama. Yes, there will be work to do (because #GirlBoss) but things don’t have to be “hard.”

While I typically like to get sh*t done and say yes to new opportunities, my inner voice has been whispering at me to slow down and take care of myself. I think as women — especially new mamas out there — we’re inclined to take care of others first and be people pleasers. However, when I find myself going there, I’m reminded that “You can’t pour from an empty cup.

I’ve been craving less social media and more baby snuggles, less networking meetings and more homemade dinners in with hubby, less hustle and more self-care. It’s time to fill my own cup! And while I can’t control every little thing that life throws at me, I can take better care of myself — even if it happens in baby steps (no pun indented).

hc_godaiNourishing My Skin with Godai Soaps

While I may not have the time or energy for luxurious day trips to the spa, I can make simple changes in my home to carve out more me-time on the regular. Ever since having a baby, my shower time has become sacred and I love finding little ways to make it more zen.

That’s why I was excited to get the chance to try Godai Soaps, natural soaps made with certified organic ingredients to heal and nourish the skin. The Japanese term for Five (go) and Great (dai), Godai refers to the five elements —  earth, water, fire, wind and sky — with a unique bar crafted for each element.

For example, Fire represents transformation, and includes natural ingredients like avocado oil, lemon oil and rosemary oil to energize the skin and promote vitality. As for me, I opted to try out the Water and Earth blends first (more on that in a bit)!

No matter what element you choose, each and every bar can be used as a soap or shampoo, and is crafted with only the finest organic essential oils and nourishing carrier oils. As someone who takes clean beauty and self-care to heart, this is a must as I simply don’t have time to clutter my shower with crappy, toxic ingredients!

What You Put On Your Skin Matters

While many of us are aware of the ingredients we’re putting into our bodies, it’s also important to be mindful of what we’re putting on our skin. After all, our skin is the largest organ in our body and therefore it naturally absorbs the products we use on a daily basis.

I love that Godai Soaps are vegan, cruelty free, GMO free and made from easy-to-recognize ingredients. Think: coconut oil and lavender.

They’re also made without potentially harmful ingredients such as paragons, triclosan, oxybenzone, synthetic fragrances, or Sodium lauryl sulfates because let’s be real: who has time for that?

The Verdict: My Take on Godai Soaps

Not surprisingly, as a water sign (Cancer the Crab), I was naturally drawn to Water — a hydrating blend made with apricot, almond, shea and cocoa butter. Earth also caught my attention, a natural exfoliation blend made with French clay, sugar and shea butter, so those are the two bars I tested first. Here’s what I thought:

  • The soap left my skin feeling super smooth, and you can amplify that by hydrating with your favorite natural body lotion after!
  • They smell ah-mazing! Scent is important to me, and I’m not about sketchy “fragrances” or chemical ingredients. I love that the soaps get their scent from natural ingredients like essential oils. Pro Tip: Be careful when a product lists fragrance as one of their ingredients, as it can be an undisclosed mix of potentially harmful chemicals.
  • While I chose to use it as shower soap, I love the versatility of using the bar as a body soap or shampoo — especially if you’re trying to cut back on products or save some money.
  • The packaging is stunning, and the soaps take on the natural colors of their ingredients making your shower totally instagram-worthy. Gotta love the beauty of Mother Nature!

Not sure which soap will work best with your skin? Godai offers a sampler set, including a mini bar of all the 5-element inspired soaps, so you can find your perfect match. You can shop their entire line here with free shipping on orders over $35. Win, win. 

Note: I received product and compensation from Godai Soaps in exchange for this post, however as always all opinions are my own and I would never recommend anything I didn’t 100% love. 

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