Is Mom a Job Title? Read This if You’re Feeling Lost
When I became a mama 13 months ago, my greatest wish was fulfilled — I had my baby girl. But at the same time, I really struggled with my identity.
Taking on the new mom role (the hardest and most fulfilling job I’ve ever had), I naturally cut back on other things — taking on less freelance writing, dropping a few clients and skipping networking events in favor of baby snuggles. Yes I felt a little guilty, but that’s where my heart wanted to be: with my baby girl.
And I loved every minute of it. Sometimes I’d feel embarrassed or lazy for not “doing enough” for my business, and on the days I prioritized my work I’d feel tired or guilty for not being a “present” enough mom.
Now that we’re over a year in, I’m starting to get that itch again to get back in the groove with my business — I’m opening myself up to new freelance writing opportunities, going out of my comfort zone, teaching myself sales (in my own authentic way) and signing up for holiday vendor fairs while also being a mom.
Sometimes this means passing bedtime routine on to hubby so I can go to an event or closing the laptop so I can chase my adventurous toddler. I’m a work in progress but I’m a passionate entrepreneur and a good mom.
It doesn’t have to be one or the other.
So if it feels like a juggling act for you right now or you don’t even know who you are anymore, remember you’re doing a freakin’ amazing job and your imperfect self is beautiful.
Do you struggle to find the balance between being a mom and being Y-O-U? How do you navigate the challenges of working and being a mom?