Bostonians Get Rewarded for Making Healthy Choices {Via The Blue Box Truck}!

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As you know, I’m a big fan of making small, simple changes toward living a healthier lifestyle. I don’t believe that you can look at someone and decide if they are healthy or unhealthy; rather it’s the little things you do every day which add that extra chunk of change to your “wellness bank.”

You know, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator at work.

Going for a peaceful walk on your lunch break.

Adding some organic, chopped veggies to your lunch wrap.

Hitting up the farmer’s market.

Cooking…from scratch…with your family.

Setting your alarm clock for 6:00 a.m. so you can squeeze in that yoga sesh.

You see, when you incorporate simple, little acts of wellness, you feel better all around and you become healthier. Oh, and you can afford to skip the gym or have that extra margarita once in a while…you deserve it. After all, being healthy isn’t about being perfect 100% of the time. It’s about doing what works for you and makes you feel good…most of the time.

Who’s with me on this?

Great! For my fellow Boston-based Healthy Chicks (and Guys!), you may have gotten to experience this first-hand last month. … Read More!