Archive for the ‘ Pregnancy ’ Category
Healthy Chicks in the Community Series: Meet Dietitian & Nutritionist Lily Nichols
Hello beauties! I can’t believe we’re already approaching the end of summer. Time is flying and we’re about two months away from meeting Baby Boy!
It’s time for this month’s spotlight on Healthy Chicks in the Community, a monthly series highlighting rockstar Girl Bosses doing their thang in the wellness world & beyond. I’m thrilled to feature Dietitian & Nutritionist Lily Nichols, who’s is all about educating women on real food and nutrition during pregnancy.
I first discovered Lily through her book Real Food for Pregnancy, which I thoroughly soaked up during my pregnancy with Isabella. I especially loved her approach on postpartum nutrition, and the importance of incorporating nurturing, healing foods during the transition. Truly, it couldn’t be more important and I know it’ll be a key part of my recovery this fall as well.
In this inspiring interview, we chat with Lily about a day in the life of an RDN, her go-to foods (and why she’s not afraid of fat), and the number one message she wants to share with mamas-to-be on their pregnancy journey.

Lily Nichols
Washington state, but I’ve lived all over the country.
… Read More!I’ve Been Diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes…This is How I’m Shifting My Perspective to Tackle It

{UPDATE: I diligently tested my blood sugars at home 4x a day with the glucometer and my numbers were perfect. I was officially cleared by my doc to stop testing. The diagnosis may have been a fluke after all — my inkling is that my body just couldn’t handle that crazy amount of sugar.}
“We’ll only call you if it’s bad news,” the midwife said after the dreaded one-hour glucose test.
Sure enough, I get a phone call yesterday afternoon — it was the OB office. “Hi Rachel, we’re calling regarding your glucose test…” I knew what was coming. “Unfortunately you did not pass.”
And then what I never expected to hear: “Your results were above the limit. You have gestational diabetes.”
My stomach dropped. I was in complete shock. “But how? I eat healthy! I don’t even like sweets!” I said through the headache I still had from yesterday’s forced sugar rush. The nurse explained to me that sometimes the healthiest women develop gestational diabetes, and it doesn’t necessarily have to do with WHAT I was eating but HOW my body processes the sugars in my food.
What came next was a blur but … Read More!
Healthy Chicks in the Community Series: Meet HeHe Stewart of Tranquility by HeHe & The Birth Lounge
I don’t know about you, but this time of year has me feeling all warm and cozy inside. It’s time for fuzzy slippers, hearty chili and lazy Football Sundays — and I’m here for it all.
Alrighty, it’s time for this month’s feature on Healthy Chicks in the Community, a monthly series highlighting rockstar Girl Bosses doing their thang in the wellness world. This month, we have the pleasure of connecting with HeHe Stewart of Tranqulity by HeHe…and I couldn’t be more excited!
As the creator of The Birth Lounge and The Birth Lounge Podcast, this rockstar empowers women to navigate the woes of pregnancy and “Birth like a Queen” — without fear & anxiety — through her one-of-a-kind maternity concierge services. I’m so grateful there are women like HeHe in the world, as I know firsthand how monumental it is to have support throughout pregnancy, labor, birth and the postpartum journey.
In this inspiring interview, we chat about her evidence-based approach, bridging the gap between healthcare providers and doulas, and why Meghan Markle is her forever #girlcrush.
Don’t miss her FREE live masterclass on 11/6 on how to avoid a cesarean birth. BONUS: The Healthy Chicks tribe gets $5 … Read More!
Real Talk: Pregnancy and Fertility Q & A
As you know by now, I’m pretty much an open book when it comes to sharing our pregnancy journey, my early miscarriage and the ins and outs of life as a new mom. To be honest, I truly enjoy writing about my journey and the number of messages I get from you guys — letting me know I gave you hope or made you feel not so alone — makes it all the more worthwhile.
Below I’m sharing a candid Q & A of the most frequent questions I’m asked, including some sent to me directly on my instagram stories recently. Feel free to add any other questions in the comments below, and I’ll do my best to answer them!
Any recommendations for holistic fertility treatments?
I recommend finding a functional medicine doctor to get to the root cause of any health stuff that may be going on. When we started trying to get pregnant, I joined Parsley Health, which I highly recommend if you’re looking for a holistic, individualized approach. Aimee Raupp, acupuncturist and author of Yes You Can Get Pregnant, is also an incredible inspiration, sharing great tips on fertility and nourishing your … Read More!
A Doula, What? The Ins & Outs of Hiring a Doula for Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond
I can’t believe it’s almost been 3 months since we welcomed our beautiful little girl into this world. Suddenly the 48+ hours of painful contractions and early all-nighter feeding frenzies are a daze, and I now understand how people have more than one kid!
While much of my experience is hazy, one thing I know is certain: my experience wouldn’t have been nearly as sweet without my angel of a doula, Emma O’Brien of Lavandoula.
Not only did she answer all of my crazy pregnancy questions (Um, is that normal?! How will I know when it’s really go-time?), but she stayed with us throughout my lengthy labor. She even spent the night on our couch to console me during my painful back labor and helped me advocate for myself when the doctor wanted to induce me early due to a high blood pressure false alarm.
Seriously, she’s a superhero in my eyes! Not to mention, we bonded over our love affair with bone broth and essential oils.
When I told people I hired a doula, I received a mix of excitement and skepticism. A do-what? So I decided to interview my doula Emma to chat about the day … Read More!
Welcome to the World, Sweet Isabella Rose {Our Full Moon Baby’s Labor, Delivery & Birth Story}
Welcome to the world, sweet Isabella Rose. From the moment we saw you squirming around on your first ultrasound as a tiny sesame seed, we were completely in love. Then on Sunday, August 26th at 7:43pm just as the full moon was rising, you came into our lives and took that love to a whole new level. You are absolutely perfect and worth every minute of the crazy, long beautiful (and yes painful) labor process as well as the rocky journey to pregnancy. Mommy and daddy love you to pieces, you are so worth the wait.
Two weeks ago, we welcomed our beautiful Isabella Rose into the world three days before her due date, and today on the blog I wanted to share my birth story. Before I continue, I want you to know this is my story, and everyone’s story is different. I 100% respect every woman’s choice in how they go about labor and delivery, and I also know that sometimes it’s out of our control and you just have to ride the waves.
As I mentioned before, pregnancy was hard, labor was no joke and motherhood is next level, but I wouldn’t trade it … Read More!
6 Self-Care Essentials for The Final Weeks of Pregnancy: Affirmations, Supplements & More
Good morning, beauties! I’m currently in my 34th week of pregnancy, and things are getting real. My family threw a beautiful baby shower for me last week, and all I have to say is baby girl is already so loved (and going to be so well dressed).
When people ask when I’m due and I say “End of August,” the reactions are pretty much the same every time. They cringe and then say, “Oh, it’s going to be hot!” or “Summer babies are the worst!” Trust me, I get it: summer is hot and my bump isn’t getting any smaller. But instead of complaining, I’m choosing to enjoy this precious bump, baby kicks and time with my hubby during my favorite season.
I’ve also been craving lots of alone time, as I know once baby comes she’ll pretty much be attached to me for the first few months. After all, self-care is super important to me, especially during pregnancy. Here are 6 self-care essentials that are helping me get through these last few weeks of pregnancy!
Mama Natural Affirmations
As you know by now, affirmation cards are a huge part of my life. Heck, I even created my … Read More!
My Pregnancy Update at 30 Weeks: A Peek Inside My Third Trimester + The Final Stretch
Oh BABY, things are getting real now that I’m 30+ weeks pregnant! In fact, yesterday the nurse told me I was in the “final stretch” which really put things into perspective. I’ve been loving my third trimester thus far, especially feeling baby girl squirm and watching my bump grow by the week (while comparing the baby’s size to the latest fruit and veggie).
Today on the blog, I’m sharing an inside look at the third trimester thus far — including weight gain, food cravings and everything in between! You can read my first and second trimester recap here.
I don’t really have any intense cravings anymore, but I do have some “go to” foods I can’t live without. This includes cold seasonal fruit like berries, watermelon and peaches, gluten free bagels, arugula salads, peanut butter, Lara bars and anything with potatoes — from French fries to baked potatoes.
I’ve also been loving DIY chocolate protein shakes (made with GO PRO Protein Blend, banana, spinach and ice) and my favorite Mint Chip smoothie from Juice on Main.
While I got hit with morning sickness hard during my first trimester, it pretty much subsided … Read More!