Archive for the ‘ Lifestyle ’ Category


What is your soul calling you to do? {My Aha Moment from a Women’s Retreat}

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I went away on a women’s spiritual/business retreat two weekends ago, which was truly transformational and life-changing. It’s hard to put into words exactly what I experienced while there, but I will try.

Before I embarked on this journey, I asked for clarity and boy did I get it. On the first day, while sitting in a field amongst 75 women in ceremony, I had a major a-ha moment. We were in a deep guided meditation, where I was shown different versions of ME standing in a cave — literally every version of my former self flashed upon my eyes (the me struggling with body image, getting my footing in Boston, going off to college) but the central focus was on 5-year-old Rachel, me as a child.

An old, wise woman then came into the cave and brought us all together for a nurturing motherly hug, then grabbed my hand and whispered into my ear, “You are meant to be working with children,” then she turned back and said “Remember, never lose your sparkle.”

After those words were spoken, a light lit up within me. I visualized myself surrounded by children, animals and magic. I saw dolphins dancing in the … Read More!

5 Amazon Finds for the Mindful Mama Under $20 (Including Prime Day Deals)

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It’s Prime Day, and I wanted to share some of my favorite Amazon finds perfect for the mindful mama. From our go-to fair-trade coffee to a clean lip balm I can’t live without, here are five Amazon products under $20 I’m loving right now.

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For Your Morning Pick-Me-Up: Kicking Horse Dark Roast Coffee

Hubby and I are big coffee drinkers — and when you’ve got two little toddlers running around it’s a morning must. Our latest favorite is Kicking Horse Coffee, which we originally discovered in our Thrive Market box.

Their coffee is organic, fair trade and comes in several delicious blends. Their Grizzy Claw Dark Roast is dark & decadent with notes of dark chocolate, and is sure to get the job done for your wake-me-up fix!

Buy on Amazon here (20% off for Prime Day)

For Daily Positive Affirmations: Spark Your Bliss Deck

Need a mindset shift or some more positive vibes in your life? I’ve got the perfect self-care tool for you! While it’s not an official Prime Day deal, my very own Spark Your Bliss affirmation card deck is 10% off … Read More!

4 Inspiring Oracle & Affirmation Card Decks for Women to Buy on Amazon

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If you’ve been around here for a while, you know I’m a big fan of positive affirmation cards and oracle card decks. Heck, I even created my own deck!

While affirmation cards are a go-to tool to help shift your perspective and bring in more positive energy, oracle cards are great to lean on for additional guidance and support when you’re seeking clarity. Both have their purpose, and over the years I’ve gathered a little collection of my own decks.

Here are four inspiring oracle and affirmation card decks for women you can grab on Amazon!

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1. Spark Your Bliss Deck

My go-to deck for daily affirmations is my own baby, the Spark Your Bliss Deck! This small but mighty deck is packed with 36 vibrant affirmations designed to set your soul on fire. Not only does each card include a focus word and affirmation to recite, but also a journaling prompt and supporting action steps to reflect on. Get ready to infuse your day with positivity and spark your bliss!

Purchase on Amazon for $19.99

2. Work Your Light Oracle Deck

The Work … Read More!

Stuck in the muck? An Exercise on Letting Go

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This past weekend, I hosted a mini women’s circle to gather in nature, unplug and connect with one another. It so happened to fall on the full moon eclipse, which was perfect for the theme of our circle — in letting go to create more space for the new.

Personally, I had been feeling very foggy and “stuck in the mud” recently, and based on feedback from the collective it seems I was not alone in these feelings. It got me thinking about how lotus flowers grow from the mud — and that in order for us to bloom and get to the other side we first need to grow through the muck. The ugly. The sludge.

The beauty of it is that once we release that which isn’t serving us, we can come out the other side as a truer version of ourselves…as the lotus flower. After a brief discussion around this theme, we spent some time journaling out a very simple yet potent prompt: What are you clinging onto that you’re ready to release?

We then took part in an exercise where we chose an item to represent something we were ready to let go of…and we … Read More!

Be Kind to Your Mind

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If you’ve been around here for a while, you know that when it comes to health I take a mind, body soul approach. In fact, I firmly believe that health starts with how you fuel your mind. The rest is just the icing on the cake (which BTW, you should totally eat if you want).

With May being Mental Health Awareness month, now’s a great time to check in with yourself (and your loved ones) on how you’re feeling…like truly feeling.

And if you need support whether it’s through therapy, meeting up with your best friend in person for coffee + deep conversations, or some restorative self-care time, don’t ever hesitate to give yourself that extra TLC.

In honor of Mental Health Awareness, for the entire month of May I’m offering 10% off all Spark Your Bliss Affirmation Card Decks on both Amazon and Etsy plus sneaking in a bonus feel-good sticker with all Etsy orders as a reminder to be kind to your mind.

Know that you matter today and always. Read More!

Life: A Collection of Tiny Little Moments

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In my 20s I worked at a fancy little bakery in Boston serving up cappuccinos, treats + paninis. I was never trained on how to make a latte pretty and it was too fast paced for my vibe, but they liked me because I was friendly. 

I lasted 2 weeks before I quit but I remember those days like it was yesterday — particularly opening up the bakery at 5am with “Mushaboom” by Feist playing loudly over the speakers. With tired eyes, I remember inhaling the strong scent of espresso as I flipped over the tables — daydreaming about my future.

I didn’t realize it at the time, but those lyrics were so fitting. “It may be years until the day my dreams will match up with my pay”

I worked so, SO many jobs in between then and now.

Receptionist (at a gym and a spa)
Event planner 
Dog walker 
Social media specialist
Health Coach
Freelance writer 
Marketing manager 

Through it all, never would I have ever imagined the life I’ve created for myself now. 

Married with two kiddos. Having our own home sweet home in Connecticut. Running women’s circles. Creating my own affirmation card deck + products. … Read More!

Update: My Journey with Reiki & Energy Work

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I’ve always been super tuned in with energy — I feel things on a deep level and I’m highly intuitive. Fun fact: I had a vivid dream of my nephew’s name (Grayson) before my sister even announced it.

I also love energy work. I’ve experienced reiki, energy healings, yoga, acupuncture, chakra balancing and more.

Anyway, for the past several years I’ve been considering diving deeper into this energy work through reiki, and this past winter finally got the nudge that now is the time.

Through the past few months I’ve done a deep dive into the world of reiki and I’m over the moon to announce that I am now officially Reiki I and II attuned.

What the heck is reiki, anyway?

Put simply, we’re all made up of energy and energy is all around us — it’s everywhere. Reiki is a form of energy healing to help support and balance the body, on both a physical and emotional level (through gentle touch or distance healing). In fact, studies have shown reiki to benefit both physical and psychological health.

My journey with reiki has been such an eye opening experience and I’m so excited to begin sprinkling it … Read More!

Beautiful Girl, Remember to Grow at Your Own Pace

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Friendly reminder: GROW at your own pace.

With the state of the world and the coming of a seasonal shift, the energy has been A LOT lately. It’s filled with ebbs + flows, ups + downs, and highs + lows. The really big stuff and the little everyday ‘mundane’ things can all feel like a lot.

Do you feel it too? 

If you’re feeling a bit stuck in the mud right now, here’s your reminder that you’re not alone. Be it career advancement, processing your emotions, financial stuff or spiritual growth, we all grow on our own time. 

It’s not always pretty.

It’s not always linear.

It certainly isn’t always easy.

And guess what? When you feel stuck and uncomfortable, that my friend is growth. 

So wherever you are in your journey, take some time today to celebrate where you’re at right now, here in this moment.… Read More!