Archive for the ‘ Mindful Moms ’ Category
Ready for Some Magic? Introducing the “Mindful & Magical Me” Kids Inspiration Deck

I’ve been brewing up something special the past 9 months and it’s finally here…
I’m over-the-moon excited to introduce you to my newest creation, the “Mindful & Magical Me” Deck. This Inspiration Deck for Kids is packed with 35 colorful cards filled with mindful activities for little ones.
I had the idea to create this deck in the fall, and then got right to work in collaboration with my amazing “Aunti Di” who made the cards come to life with her watercolor “magic.”
You can grab your deck on Amazon here. Happy news: $1 from every purchase in June goes to Everyone Outside, a CT based nonprofit encouraging connecting people with nature.
It would mean the world to me & my small business for you to buy/share/gift to a friend or even just send some good vibes my way! Hint: they’d make great end of year teacher gifts.
P.S. I’m running an epic “Mama & Me” giveaway this month packed with $100 in goodies (think: affirmation cards, journal, children’s book & more!) Here’s how it works…
1.) Mention the deck and tag me on social media @healthychicks = 1 point
2.) Leave a review on Amazon = 2 … Read More!
How to Create Your Own No-Pressure Valentine’s Day Tradition

Whether you love it or hate it, Valentine’s Day comes once a year.
In all honesty, this holiday used to kind of annoy me. All the posts, all the pressure, all the “stuff.” Often I’d end up frustrated at my husband for not doing anything “special.”
At the end of the day, what I really wanted — what I needed — was the same thing I want on any other day — time together.
That’s why last year I decided to create our own Valentine’s Day tradition. Seeing as though my love language is quality time (and words of affirmation), I took matters into my own hands by creating a new tradition we can do together as a family: heart-shaped pizza.
This year, we poured red wine and listened to classic oldies love songs while making homemade heart-shaped pizza.
The kids tried to help but mostly ended up just eating all the cheese and bickering with each other. It was perfectly imperfect. It was us.
Here’s your reminder to take the pressure off this holiday (and any holiday for that matter) and do what feels good to you whether that’s doing nothing, making heart-shaped pizza or going all out … Read More!
5 Quick Ways to Shift Your Energy this Winter

Baby it’s cold outside, and while I highly dislike being cold, I don’t like stuck, stagnant energy even more. Feeling in a winter slump? Here are 5 quick ways to shift your energy this season!
1. Brisk Walk Outside
Get outside for a brisk walk in the cold! Soak in the sunshine and breathe in that fresh winter air.
2. Meditate Over Coffee
Pour yourself a hot cup of coffee, tea or cocoa and spend a few minutes in meditation. As you sip your drink, think of how you want to feel and set an intention for your day!
3. Holiday Dance Party
Pop on those holiday jams and shake it out! Dancing is a wonderful way to move stagnant energy through the body.
4. Freshen up Your Wardrobe
Give your winter wardrobe a seasonal refresh by purchasing a new item that feels good (and while you’re at it, toss something old that doesn’t feel good).
5. Play in the Snow
Play outside in the snow! Embrace your inner child by building a snowman, make a snow angel, or catch snowflakes on your tongue. … Read More!
5 Amazon Finds for the Mindful Mama Under $20 (Including Prime Day Deals)

It’s Prime Day, and I wanted to share some of my favorite Amazon finds perfect for the mindful mama. From our go-to fair-trade coffee to a clean lip balm I can’t live without, here are five Amazon products under $20 I’m loving right now.
This page contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
For Your Morning Pick-Me-Up: Kicking Horse Dark Roast Coffee
Hubby and I are big coffee drinkers — and when you’ve got two little toddlers running around it’s a morning must. Our latest favorite is Kicking Horse Coffee, which we originally discovered in our Thrive Market box.
Their coffee is organic, fair trade and comes in several delicious blends. Their Grizzy Claw Dark Roast is dark & decadent with notes of dark chocolate, and is sure to get the job done for your wake-me-up fix!
Buy on Amazon here (20% off for Prime Day)
For Daily Positive Affirmations: Spark Your Bliss Deck
Need a mindset shift or some more positive vibes in your life? I’ve got the perfect self-care tool for you! While it’s not an official Prime Day deal, my very own Spark Your Bliss affirmation card deck is 10% off … Read More!
Take the Long Way Home: A Lesson on Slowing Down When Life Throws You a Curveball

The other night, I cried over pizza. Let me explain…
I had this fun idea to order takeout pizza and then take the kiddos to a local farm that serves ice cream to eat it outside (and look at the farm animals).
It was my picture “perfect” plan, until a wrench got thrown in it.
As we head out the door to cram it all in before the race to kid’s bedtime (IYKYK), we hit a road block when a traffic jam turned our six-minute ride into a 20-minute detour through back roads.
When we finally arrived to pick up the pizza 30 minutes late, mine wasn’t even started yet. It would be another 15 minute wait.
So we drove to the farm to kill time…without our pizza. As I looked at the empty picnic tables where we could have been enjoying our family dinner, I could feel my energy start to shift. I was was fuming.
Now it was getting past little guys bedtime, we still hadn’t eaten and my perfect plan was “ruined.” Frustrated, I ran inside to order a quart of ice cream to go instead, and back to the pizza place we went.
On our drive … Read More!
Hey It’s OK…to Feel Your Feelings

The other week, my little girl and I dressed up in matching fairy “butterfly wings.” She insisted on wearing the pink ones, and me the purple (which I gladly accepted — it’s my fave color).
We giggled and laughed and flapped our wings… it was pure bliss.
Fast forward to later that day: she had one of her classic toddler tantrums. I think it was because I wouldn’t give her another Larabar or because her block castle fell down — it’s all a blur. But it doesn’t really matter at the end of the day.
What matters is how you choose to respond. Lately, I’ve really been working on the language I use when speaking with my daughter. While it’s tempting to say, “Stop crying” or “It’s OK,” I’ve been trying to shift my language to let her feel all her feelings.
Here are some responses I’ve been using in those tantrum moments: “What’s going on, love bug?” “I see you’re mad. Grr..Are you feeling angry?” “We’re going to have lunch first and then we can have another yummy snack later.” “Do you want a hug?”
And guess what? It works. It’s not magic, it’s just a shift in language.… Read More!
Can You Create a Nice Moment for Yourself Today?

#TRUTHBOMB This working mom life isn’t always a walk in the park.
Some days I feel like I’m totally crushing it — my writing flows, money comes in all while I’m loving on my baby girl. Other days it feels hard — scrambling to meet a deadline, whip up a mediocre lunch, make a solo run to the grocery store all in that tiny window I get before little love wakes up from her nap.
I sometimes struggle with the balance of being a “good mom” and prioritizing me and my work. I’m human. Both are important to me. On the days I get a little stressed out, I know that energy carries on to her, so I’m working on being more aware of that.
The other day, a dear friend gifted me a note that said, “Create a nice moment for yourself at least once a day.” She said she knows it’s what I preach, but sometimes it’s hard to remember to actually DO IT for yourself.
The other day, when I could feel the overwhelm of working/momming/doing it all bubbling up, I asked for help from my husband, told him that I needed a moment. He … Read More!
Mama, You are Doing a Better Job Than You Think

Mama, you are doing a better job than you think you’re doing.
The other night I spent 2+ hours in the kitchen preparing “Christmas Chicken,” rice, and homemade hummus (yes, I squeezed my own lemons and everything). Yes, it was epic.
And while one instagram picture may look like I’m “Suzy Homemaker” and have it all together, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, the day before I felt like a hot mess, and it was a mishmash of leftovers and frozen pizza. And you know what? That’s OK; you are still nourishing your family.
Some days you may feel like you’re totally rocking the working mom life, and other days you question what the heck you’re even doing. That’s OK too; you are doing your best.
There are times that #momlife looks like giggles, sweet kisses and picture-perfect baby + me days, and other times you’re lucky if you can squeeze in a shower, enjoy a hot cup of coffee or make it through the day without crying. Either way, you’re still a great mom.
You fit into your pre-pregnancy jeans one month postpartum? High five. You’re still carrying on the “baby weight” … Read More!